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Class Balance


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Can we please take a moment and talk about class balance and just how bad it is right now? Like, to the point where SEVERAL classes are not even viable in NIM operations?


I mean take a look at this chart.


Almost every ranged spec, and every burst ranged spec is literally parsing 30% lower than the top parsing specs. If you play Telekinetics, Marksman, or Gunnery, you're just straight up UNABLE to make DPS checks. So unless you're getting carried by the meta specs (e.g. Concentration), you're just going to not be able to clear content.


Couple that with how horribly some ops bosses are right now (I'm looking at you, Styrak, Mr. "I need 6 DPS to beat me... in HM")


What's most galling to me, though, is that this goes against EVERYTHING you promised us in the lead-up to this expansion. When people complained about the drastic changes you were making to the DPS classes, you countered with, "we're doing this so we can better balance the classes." That was your ENTIRE reasoning behind all these changes: Balance.


Is this what you call balance? Having a nearly 30% difference between the top and bottom parsing specs?


And poor, poor, sad little Gunnery. It's always been the laughing stock of DPS specs, but this is just a whole new level. You didn't even bother to put the Apex set bonuses back into the game to give them even the smallest semblance of hope. You just bent them over and beat their &%$es like a red-headed step-child, and then threw them out a fifth-floor window.


What utter garbage.

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There are massive problems with healer balance as well.


Also the fact that some classes have aoe damage reduction and the ones who don´t (all range classes) are not viable.

Edited by Ahwassa
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