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Losing mouse cursor on GSF exit screen


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I've had this happen a few times and it does seem to occur if the match ends just as you are respawning.


It needs to be fixed, but for now I have found that a workaround is to hit CTRL+U twice to refresh the UI. This will cause the mouse to reappear.

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I've had this happen a few times and it does seem to occur if the match ends just as you are respawning.


It needs to be fixed, but for now I have found that a workaround is to hit CTRL+U twice to refresh the UI. This will cause the mouse to reappear.


Thank you very much for this! Sure beats having to alt+F4!

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stop dying then, it only happens when you enter the from space.

And what prompted you to post this? How is this helpful to anyone at all? Dying is inevitable in GSF. Even if you're good enough where have a match where you don't (and there are very few pilots that can pull that feat), you're eventually going to die in one and jump back in at the very last second of the match.




This bug has been around for a long time, OP. I'm sure it's been posted about before. Please do a search for a pre-existing thread on the same subject before creating a new thread. It doesn't matter how old they are. There is no such thing as necroing a thread for bug reports and suggestions.



This bug occurs when respawning right as a match ends. The cursor is still present, just invisible. You can actually click the different tabs and the Exit Match button because they light up on mouseover but it's very hard.


The bug can also be reproduced by accessing the map while respawning.

Edited by Tofu_Shark
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