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Theron Shan's voice actor


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I recently saw a you tube video with Troy Baker ( Theron Shan's voice actor) saying he quit, I think he was referring to voice acting all together. I don't think anyone would have a melt down if you needed to change voice actors. It isn't like Tanno Vic's actor, may he rest in peace. Most of us adore the Character of Theron and there is alot of unanswered questions revolving around him. Like, was blowing up our ships actually deliberate, is he going to go through and marry our characters has he been working for the SIS all along ..etc. Is the relationship between him and Lana still 50/50 or has it been completely obliterated. If you drummed him out of the alliance ( I did on one character , can't kill him like him to much tbh =) ) Will he show up again or will he come for revenge or will he be a hero, that character was feeling awful for it and told Satele she did ( no romance fyi , she is a bh and totally loyal to Torian Cadera) still the questions abound. So question remains is it impossible to have another voice actor fill the void? Is there some sort of contractual obligation. Just not sure how that works tbh or can we have another person take over??
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here it is

, April 25th, 2020.

Is that the one when he quit Retro Replay?


From https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Troy_Baker :

"In May 2018, Baker and voice actor Nolan North began hosting the weekly YouTube series Retro Replay. In April 2020, due to an apparent disagreement on the future direction of the show, Baker left to start his own series."


The list on https://www.behindthevoiceactors.com/Troy-Baker/ shows him working on games published after that date.

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Honestly , I am not exactly sure, what I am sure about is he seems to have up and vanished since we saved Satele other then a brief appearance in the background when we beat Malgus. Instead we get Lana on the ship while oddly enough he goes with Satele and her students? THAT was extremely weird tbh. Especially if you are in a romance with him. So this is why I figured he either quit or his contract is up and doesn't want to come back, both are fair. Point I am trying to make is, he CAN be replace, even if they want to do "he got in an accident and his voice changed due to being slammed in the throat or a sith lord force strangled him so much it mangled his voice box its deeper or w/e. There is alot of options just saying. All I know personally I don't want his character to just vanish into the ether of background nobodism ( ok made up a word :D) Nor do I think most other people do either even the ones who lost him on a character because most of us saved him on the majority of our characters except darkside ones even then they just drummed him out to do w/e a spy does. anyways that was my take on it.
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He's also the voice of Zenith


True but he also sits in the background right after and does nothing unless you are a councilor and even then all he says is that he will join the alliance , just keep the imps away from him and his team. Nothing more from that corner. Even if you are an imp and use him, he sends a note threatening you and poof, nothing comes of it. See why I figure his Bakers contract is either up or he quit?

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Guess you can always ask Sharron Elkabas, his booking agent.


Yeah but even if he has, I was just suggesting that they could get someone else, I don't think anyone would have an issue with it as long as the character continues. As I said its not like Tanno Vic, his voice actor passed away may he

be at peace ( will always love his " if you don't tell me what you want, I'll give you a grenade with the pin out ;). )

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I almost didn't want to click on the link for fear of spoiling my image of Theron - of course, I did - he's such a young guy! I pictured him rather a bit older for some reason. I hope they get him back if need be, his voice characterization IS Theron.
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I almost didn't want to click on the link for fear of spoiling my image of Theron - of course, I did - he's such a young guy! I pictured him rather a bit older for some reason. I hope they get him back if need be, his voice characterization IS Theron.


But do you see where I am coming from ? I don't want to loose Theron if that means another voice actor so be it.

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If that's the case then I'm sure you'll have no problem if Theron's voiced by this guy.


OK THAT is just a Bit :eek::p but hey it doesn't matter what the actor looks like as long as his voice is NICE! -.- Theron hater :p:D leave the love for those of us who love him and leave him dead for those who were jealous of him. Oh fyi, I met a man recently who was suffered from the complications thalidomide taken by his mother when she was pregnant. Anyways, He had the most gorgeous voice, I mean to die for, I could have listened to it all day long, it was soooo deep , and vibrant so don't nock someone just because they have no arms or legs or don't "look" normal etc. The voice in an mmo is what matters. :p

Edited by Iceslasher
adding a voice i loved
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