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No credit for weeklies doing flashpoints


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I did Athiss twice today, through the random group finder. I didn't select Athiss, I was just "lucky" enough to get it twice in a row.


I got zero credit for "Weekly: Searching for Allies" and "Weekly: Veteran Flashpoints"


Yes, I queued through the activity finder, and yes I selected Veteran.


First time I noticed I didn't have "join in progress" checked. So I checked that, thinking that was the issue. Nope. Second run, still nothing. I have all other options and FP's selected.


Then someone on Reddit said there's a bug where you might not get credit if you have a solo-story FP in your quest log. If that's the case, then I'm stuck because I have Ruins of Nul solo-story in my quest log, because you guys STILL HAVE NOT FIXED MALGUS.


Why am I not getting credit for my weeklies? Stuff like this is really making me just want to quit and uninstall. In fact most of 7.0's left a bad taste in my mouth.

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Happening pretty consistently for me lately. Never the first one, but #2 of 3 or #3 of 3. It's not limited to any one FP - had it on Athiss, both Czerkas, Rishi, and Nul so far and multiple times for most. I had it happen two runs in a row also. I have all FP's checked and this is in VM (for me at least).


Please address this in the upcoming fixes.

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Queued for Athiss, Czerka Labs, Czerka Meltdown - got Athiss. Did FP. Didn't get credit for weeklies.

Remembered you have to queue for all. Queued for all, got "A Traitor Among the Chiss" - completed that really long FP and no credit again.


Looked at the bugged Ruins of Nul Story FP that I still can't do. ALT+F4 and back to Lost Ark.

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