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Not getting augmentation kit slot components when disintegrating items


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Can't put everything in the title, but when disintegrating items that have been in the crafting inventory, we're STILL not getting augmentation kit slot components.


So, one wrong click sending the items from our inventory to the crafting inventory and we lose a ton of credits in mats.


This has been bugged for MONTHS. At least.

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FWIW, I found that if you move the items into your inventory, then create more of said components, (only need to make 1 of each different item) and THEN deconstruct them.... it should work just fine.


For example: I was making augment kits on my Armstech, which require "Augmentation Slot Components"... which are only obtained from deconstructing items of the same grade that are also made by Armstech. For me, I was simply deconstructing the "Arms Assembly Components" as they are quite easy to make. Over a day or so I had crafted a couple hundred across several toons and put them in the "Materials Inventory", later logging out for dinner or whatever.


When I logged back on, onto the character I was doing all this Armstech stuff on, I transferred all the "Arms Assembly Components" into my inventory, then put that huge stack into the deconstruct window... didn't get a SINGLE "Augmentation Slot Component" from them... and barely got any of the raw materials back either, I mean, I only received like 12 scavenged metals and that was it... out of a couple hundred Assy. Comps!!!


Later I realized that if I were in that same situation.... had a couple hundred Assembly Components in my Materials Inventory, if I were to move them into my inventory, THEN craft at least ONE more "Arms Assembly Component" (MK whatever I needed), and THEN move that huge stack into the deconstruct window... I end up getting the correct number of Augmentation Slot Components... on a 1:1 ratio!


It's also like this when it comes to deconstructing something in order to learn an advanced/purple "schematic" of an item as well! (ie Stims, Grenades, Adrenals).


In that instance, take grenades or stims/meds for example... if I set about crafting a decent amount and then log out while it's all being made, only to log back on later, and then I deconstruct everything that was made while I was offline... I get no schematics and barely and raw materials in return. However, if I go about crafting them again and log out... and log back in some time later, then if I craft just ONE MORE of each grenade to be deconstructed BEFORE I deconstruct them... it works perfectly! I end up getting a higher number of raw materials back, as well as the schematic I was after. (provided I deconstructed enough grenades to even learn the purple schematic).


Furthermore... it works like this with items obtained from other players as well, at least for items that don't have a "made by" tag on it. (like grenades, assembly components, stims). If I deconstruct something that was given to me or something I bought on the GTN, I get squat. But if I make at least one of each before deconstructing, then I get everything I should.



*Now, I don't know if the game is meant to work like this... as far not allowing you to learn schematics from deconstructing items you didn't make yourself, or not receiving a proper amount of materials (Slot Components for example) from items you didn't make.... but the game is acting like that's the case. If you make something that you want to deconstruct, but it passes through your Materials Inventory first, or if you log out in between crafting & deconstructing it... the game seems to "forget" that you did in fact make the item, and you are in fact entitled to all the materials and items/schematics that come from deconstructing your own items.


That being said, it seems that: Crafting one of each item you want to deconstruct immediately before doing so, tricks the game into thinking "I made this, therefore I should get this...". THIS IS NOT IDEAL though! Some items take several minutes to ~20 minutes to craft, depending on the item and the companion's level, so it would only make sense if a player were to set up 8 companions to craft these items, then log off the game to go do something else, like... go to bed for the night... and wake up the next morning or come home from work, log on, and pick up where you left off by proceeding to deconstruct everything your companions made while you were logged out. Having to stop everything to craft one more of each item, that takes up even MORE time, and this time... we're having to sit there online and waste time while waiting for it to be crafted. All so we can remind the game that we did in fact make the items we're about to deconstruct.


**I do not know how any of this works when deconstructing an item that has a "made by..." tag on it though, as the only items like that - that I've deconstructed were crafted while I was online and actively playing and never logged out in between, OR, they were items I wasn't paying attention to when I did deconstruct them.



To summarize:

The game acts as if it has a problem with short-term memory loss. If we craft an item while offline, or the item goes into the materials inventory at any point prior to being deconstructed... deconstructing the item(s) will return very VERY poor results, will not award schematics, and will not award even a single "Augmentation Slot Components" as it should! But if we craft just one of these items after we log back on, or after moving the items out of mats inventory and into our bags, prior to deconstructing the entire lot... we get that which we should get!

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Can't put everything in the title, but when disintegrating items that have been in the crafting inventory, we're STILL not getting augmentation kit slot components.


So, one wrong click sending the items from our inventory to the crafting inventory and we lose a ton of credits in mats.


This has been bugged for MONTHS. At least.

The rule has always been "this(1) only drops when you RE / decon an item this character's crew made", combined with the inevitable characteristic that anything represented by just a count in a legacy-wide panel *must* forget which of the (potentially thousands of) items in the stack were made by whose crew.


It's not insoluble, but when you combine it with the noted *trivial* workaround of crafting just another one while you have the stack in your inventory, it isn't worth trying to fix it. Really. Think about how they would have to store that information, and how ugly the UI would be.


(1) Schematic, Aug Slot Components, etc.

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The rule has always been "this(1) only drops when you RE / decon an item this character's crew made", combined with the inevitable characteristic that anything represented by just a count in a legacy-wide panel *must* forget which of the (potentially thousands of) items in the stack were made by whose crew.


It's not insoluble, but when you combine it with the noted *trivial* workaround of crafting just another one while you have the stack in your inventory, it isn't worth trying to fix it. Really. Think about how they would have to store that information, and how ugly the UI would be.


(1) Schematic, Aug Slot Components, etc.


So it's what needs to change. No reason why a cybertech couldn't get augment kit slots from other cybertech components, no matter who made them (I mean, why does it even matter?).

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