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Tired of losing @ pvp? It's not just about gear.


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Since the merger of PvP and PVE severs, what little of world PVP there was has died as people can easily opt out while farming materials or engaging in other practices.



So now we depend on structured objective Warzones which means following some simple guidelines if you want to win and not let your team down.



1) Always assume when an alert rings or someone says "help" at a specific location, that someone else will get it. Never take initiative and go to help, always assume someone else will do it . This will allow you to continue mindlessly DPSing people, dying, feeding kills to increase the other teams chances of winning and PADDING your stats so when the

DEFEAT screen pops up, you can still be proud you have highest percentage of damage.


Even if its followed by 1 kill.



2) NEVER, when guarding, call out INC to y our location. Calling out INC to your location would give your team too much time to get to objective and help out. Its always better to assume that YOU are so special and noticed in that warzone that people will just automatically notice you need help and come help you.



3) Remember its just a game and its made better by people who play to have fun and ruined by people who play to win. Winning a match will only make other people ( the losers upset ) and its good to just relax, play lazy and remember the golden rule in Objective based pvp... Someone else will get that.... win.

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Since the merger of PvP and PVE severs, what little of world PVP there was has died as people can easily opt out while farming materials or engaging in other practices.



So now we depend on structured objective Warzones which means following some simple guidelines if you want to win and not let your team down.



1) Always assume when an alert rings or someone says "help" at a specific location, that someone else will get it. Never take initiative and go to help, always assume someone else will do it . This will allow you to continue mindlessly DPSing people, dying, feeding kills to increase the other teams chances of winning and PADDING your stats so when the

DEFEAT screen pops up, you can still be proud you have highest percentage of damage.


Even if its followed by 1 kill.



2) NEVER, when guarding, call out INC to y our location. Calling out INC to your location would give your team too much time to get to objective and help out. Its always better to assume that YOU are so special and noticed in that warzone that people will just automatically notice you need help and come help you.



3) Remember its just a game and its made better by people who play to have fun and ruined by people who play to win. Winning a match will only make other people ( the losers upset ) and its good to just relax, play lazy and remember the golden rule in Objective based pvp... Someone else will get that.... win.


1) If I do go to help that person, it’ll turn out that they’re already dead, the node is literally halfway to being flipped, and I’m walking into a slaughter because no one else will come with me.


2) I always call out incomings. People come to help me maybe 10% of the time. The rest, I’m just left to my own devices.


3) I play to win. But I also recognize when something is a lost cause and play to have fun when that happens. Besides, I mostly do PvP for conquest, so as long as I at least get my eight medals, I’m happy. If the other team plays better, they deserve to win. No skin off my back :)


I get that you’re being sarcastic and probably really want to win. But there are people that just don’t take the game that seriously, and there’s nothing you can really do to stop that.

Edited by Enticy
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I really dont get why ppl are always either obj players or dps farmers. Why not both? I always play both,I want to win and get to the top 3 dps. I usualy get top 3 dps,while helping my team with the obj. I dont know,everyone should be free to have fun playing as they want and its fine to have diff opinions about this subject,but we need to remenber we are playing with other ppl in a team and, as a former soccer player,I believe we need to give eveything we have to achieve the victory for the team,when we playing these obj pvp modes.Maybe its just my mentality.

Its very possible to farm dps and play obj at same time. If I can do it,anyone can.

Edited by DougTheNoob
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I really dont get why ppl are always either obj players or dps farmers. Why not both? I always play both,I want to win and get to the top 3 dps. I usualy get top 3 dps,while helping my team with the obj. I dont know,everyone should be free to have fun playing as they want and its fine to have diff opinions about this subject,but we need to remenber we are playing with other ppl in a team and, as a former soccer player,I believe we need to give eveything we have to achieve the victory for the team,when we playing these obj pvp modes.Maybe its just my mentality.

Its very possible to farm dps and play obj at same time. If I can do it,anyone can.



Youll get a bunch of answers about how it isnt pvp or whatever tp rationalize their choice while ignoring their lack of ability to multi-task :)

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I guess the community has really changed since coming back, pve focused people replying in pvp threads is a new one for me. I guess its another reason why separating pve and pvp servers would be a good thing.


People out in the world on a pvp server know what they signed up for and on shared worlds there is no sense of excitement that a fight is right around the corner and could happen at any time. That sense of excitement was once a part of this game to a degree but is lost now with the merger of pve and pvp servers people take the easy way out.


As far as objective based pvp, it is about pvp and objectives. You are dpsing for a box with a med pack and stim, that's it. I guess the farming of gear when you can easily go hang with your buddies in nim ops and get better gear is something lost on today's crowd. Maybe bioware can fix that little issue . Maybe earn coms for padding your stats with dps, derping in warzones could be some unlock or something.

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I guess the community has really changed since coming back, pve focused people replying in pvp threads is a new one for me. I guess its another reason why separating pve and pvp servers would be a good thing.


The pvp servers were terrible and served virtually no function whatsoever since the very core game play split the community. Better to have no pvp servers at all than something with no effort or thought put into at all.

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The pvv servers were only like that because Developers purposely created worlds so split and not open enough to allow most to enjoy world pvp.


See the one thing that adds excitement for people is the chance to get to attack or be attacked when questing out in the open world. Sure, newbie zones off limits. They purposely made the pvp servers suck in that way.


As far as Warzones its hit and miss these days whether you end up with a team of Corkey Thatcher's or people who want more than a med pack and a stim.

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