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Lost some UW Syndicate Plan from logging out?


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At around 7:15am (Eastern) this morning I began getting that annoying... 'you are reaching your weekly cap blah blah' message for my Underworld Syndicate Plans. After a few more messages I opened my currency tab in my inventory in order to see just how many I had obtained this week, I was sitting at 183/200. Because I had already turned in some 90+ over the last few days, I only had in my possession 60-something out of 200. Over the next 30 minutes I received a few more, didn't look at the exact count before logging out at 8am.


At ~10am I logged back in and continued from where I left off, after several more Plans dropped for me, I noticed I was no longer getting that weekly-cap popup message... when I looked at how many I had, figuring I was at 200/200 and that was why the message stopped showing up, I was showing 166/200 for weekly progress, and only 40-some instead of 60-some from before logging out..... a loss of ~20 each.


I thought maybe my eyes were seeing things blurry like... 6... 8... 6... 8, sure, it can happen. But why wasn't I still getting that pop-up warning to let me know I was nearing the weekly cap? It was popping up for every single plan that dropped prior to logging out, and then just stopped after logging back in... and then started up again after a few drops, at 167.


I'm not 100% at this point because I keep second guessing myself... did I see blurry numbers? But I keep looking at everything, I play on a 32" monitor at 2k resolution... and the scale is 100% for my UI... meaning, everything is FRICKEN HUGE! and clear!


In any event, it's better to be safe than sorry! With this post being here, others will know to look out for it, IF it's a bug and not my imagination.


**I'm not worried about the potential loss of 20-some odd plans either, because I know I'll hit the cap between now and Tuesday morning regardless, and everything else that I may have been able to loot will essentially go to waste/be lost anyways. Not a big deal. The possibility of a currency loss is my concern... that or my eyes needing checked. ? O.o

Edited by Baelyden
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