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Maybe im overlooking something


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It would be col to have a heal or even a HoT when you crit with any ability.


You've got that. Some abilities when spec'd in Watchman will proc heals.


OP, I still don't know what you're asking. No class, to my knowledge, has a strictly "self heal" ability. They have heal abilities, yes, but not "self heal" only. And half the classes in the game don't heal. Sents are not unique in their inability to self heal in combat.


BTW, every single class in the game receives a healing companion at some point. They are your self heal.

Edited by photoheathen
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i understand i was spec'd for dps, but for example my bh has a self heal, that means we have to rely on outside heals for everything. Even a minimal self heal for every class except jk.


You Must have been a Merc, Powertechs don't have a heal either or Snipers or Vanguards or Gunslingers or Assassins or Sith Juggernaughts or Shadows or Sith Marauders.

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