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Finishing CQ from GSF weekly does not count towards Technological Advancements


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I have had this same issue on multiple characters, both weeks. Hitting your personal conquest goal while in a GSF match does not give the 34 neuro-key charges that should come with completing personal conquest. I have seen this happen both when the Starship: Achiever goal was met and when I hit conquest from an activity finder goal, so it appears to be due to the location ("Space") rather than a specific achievement.
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So that's what I did wrong? Dang


Already borked 1 character again this week by doing GSF, guess I'll be more careful


I'm at 3, including one who, after 2 weeks, is still at 0, lol.


Thankfully you can buy implants on other force/tech characters. It stinks for people who don't have alts though.

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Also completed the conquest per week with GSF and did not receive the 34 points. The quest "technological advancements" appears in gray in the log, both on a scaled planet (Rishi) and the fleet.

I received the 10 points for a daily heroic, so the quest itself should be working.

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This is just silly i wanted to slowly do this on all toons using conquest but it doesnt count!! Why does bioware create such a silly thing to hide the set bonus behind a mission and then wont even let us proggress it??
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I'm adding a bump to this thread. It's not fixed yet (I assume) because it's not on the master thread or known (or investigated) issues.


It is however an issue. I began to wonder how an alt had her Neuro-key quest for 3 weeks with little progress when she hits conquest every week... then saw this and it makes sense, she really is just the toon I GSF with.


If we keep this thread at the top of the list long enough, it should get added to the 'official' bug list.


I doubt they'll give historical credit even though it would be nice. I just want it fixed so I can gear my pilot too.

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