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The game is a slog fest


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>Spirit of Vengeance

>4-5 silver mobs are harder than the last boss of the Flashpoint on story with over 1 million HP

>game difficulty is determined solely by when the companion decides to heal you or not

I can't replay any of the expansions after the first go. This is not an isolated case.


It's been over 10 years now and the problems they game had at launch are still present. Difficulty is only in number scaling. The art looks detailed and nice but in the end of the day the game feels sterile and soulless. Every expansion it has has been terrible. The movement feels robotic, the gameplay loop is a slogfest. The game needs to be ravamped if not remade from scratch. Class stories were the best part of the game and they are completely removed in every expansion that followed. Gear is extremely ugly looking. I have a grand total of 4 maybe 5 times in this game and each time I regret doing so. Did we really need to fight Valkorion again? I understand the reason for downscaling the game in general, but this just isn't working. I'm not gonna sub again.


Here's how to fix the game:

>port it over to Unreal and release mod tools

>make it a single player game(it already is anyway)

>change the gameplay: TFU stile for Force users and Jedi Academy for melee players

>turn range chars into cover based shooters or outright third person shooters.

>**** it add 1st person shooter gameplay for the Republic Commando and Dark Forces enjoyers

>retcon all the expansions, but keep Lana because she's best waifu

>release 10-15$ expansion packs that continue the class stories till they run out of ideas.

>make lightsabers and blaster bolts a one hit kill(there's your difficulty spike)

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>Spirit of Vengeance

>4-5 silver mobs are harder than the last boss of the Flashpoint on story with over 1 million HP

>game difficulty is determined solely by when the companion decides to heal you or not

I can't replay any of the expansions after the first go. This is not an isolated case.


It's been over 10 years now and the problems they game had at launch are still present. Difficulty is only in number scaling. The art looks detailed and nice but in the end of the day the game feels sterile and soulless. Every expansion it has has been terrible. The movement feels robotic, the gameplay loop is a slogfest. The game needs to be ravamped if not remade from scratch. Class stories were the best part of the game and they are completely removed in every expansion that followed. Gear is extremely ugly looking. I have a grand total of 4 maybe 5 times in this game and each time I regret doing so. Did we really need to fight Valkorion again? I understand the reason for downscaling the game in general, but this just isn't working. I'm not gonna sub again.


Here's how to fix the game:

>port it over to Unreal and release mod tools

>make it a single player game(it already is anyway)

>change the gameplay: TFU stile for Force users and Jedi Academy for melee players

>turn range chars into cover based shooters or outright third person shooters.

>**** it add 1st person shooter gameplay for the Republic Commando and Dark Forces enjoyers

>retcon all the expansions, but keep Lana because she's best waifu

>release 10-15$ expansion packs that continue the class stories till they run out of ideas.

>make lightsabers and blaster bolts a one hit kill(there's your difficulty spike)


Honestly I would pay for the game all over again as a solo rpg. The game has a ton of great story, and much of the best parts of the game I feel come from it. But it always suffers because as an MMO it is always fiddled with for multiplayer, and leads to things feeling worse. Mods and a singleplayer mode would probably make this game have another 5+years of longevity.

More so if the mods that are good could be ported into expansion packs in the future for true updates for all.

Edited by Kazuma_Arashi
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The pendulum has swung the other way again it what it means.



  • People were complaining at one point that story boss mobs and other content were too hard. Story boss mobs and other content was nerfed.
  • Then people were complaining the game was too easy, now it's once again a slogfest.


There has never been a happy medium. The game has always swung between one extreme and the other.

8.0 will be easy again. It's the way of things.


At the risk of being accused of crafting a false narrative, and I probably am to some extent, below is my personal take on the dev mindset, one that fits what we're experiencing, even if it's not exactly the one going on in their minds:


1. People are bored when not striving to do something, and everyone is currently at 75 with 306 gear, and they're tired of existing content.


2. So, let's give them a gear grindfest so that they are not likely to run out of grind before we can put out more story.


3. We've our own reasons why we cannot issue more than a sliver of story at a time, but for whatever those reasons are, that's what we're doing.


4. Because we're only putting out a sliver of story at a time, the players will get bored with sparse new content, so not only should we give them a gear grindfest, but realign their combat abilities as such that we fix the "game is too easy" complaint we read about all the time on the forums. Done! Yay us!

Edited by xordevoreaux
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