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Why don’t my toolbars save when I change my combat style??


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I logged on my main character that I haven’t played since I finished the last expansion only to find out I had to set up my skills once again. I also found out I could pick a second combat style. Intrigued, I set up my juggernaut skills the way I had them previously before picking another combat style. I chose sith sorcerer and went to change my style to check it out. As expected, it wiped my toolbars and replaced the slots with sorcerer skills. Cool. I then organized them to where my skills were in the slots I wanted, and went to switch back to my juggernaut to continue the story, but then I saw my skills were not saved to where I placed them. This made me want to log out immediately and I doubt I’ll come back to play if this doesn’t get fixed. What’s the point of introducing a second combat style to play with if you have to reset your toolbars EVERY TIME??? If a feature isn’t added to save these changes then my disappointment with be immeasurable because I love experiencing the story this game brings to us players but then something like this that seems like it should be common sense gets overlooked and ruins the fun. :(
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Select your style, put your toolbars/action bars the way you want them, and then go to loadouts and create a new loadout. The loadout will save your gear, skill choices, and ability bars. You need to create a new loadout for each different combat style or spec that you want, but there's something like 20 possible loadout slots so you should have plenty.
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