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A Dear John letter


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Dear Bioware,


being a founder, I've played the game since release. I took a couple of breaks, but I always came back, and I have never regretted it. Even when you more or less killed of crafting in 6.0.

But this time I do. I resubscribed in October for Legacy of the Sith, and stayed on during the two months delay. Money well spent, I thought. I think I have a rather good idea how much work went in the second combat style, and I am also quite certain that you underestimated the effort. Fair enough, but that is something I couldn't care less about. It just doesn't interest me. So what did I get from this expansion?

- A UI that makes your eye bleed and your head hurt

- A two hour short story that for now removes the main villain ( and why oh why can't I just bloody kill him?)

- A new, old, atrocious way to grind gear


Apart from that? Nothing, really.



Last year Blizzard finally cured me of playing WOW with Shadowlands, and it looks like this time you cured me of playing SWTOR. I still fondly remember all the good times I had, and it really makes me sad to part this way. But you seem to be quite sure in wandering in this direction, so I thought it best not to hold you back and unsubscribed.


Still with love


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Ditto. And to add to the notes you place here:


1. They pruned a lot of skills (except for Operatives, you know, because no matter what SWTOR will NOT reduce the OP-ness of Operatives in PVP).

2. Having to choose one skill over another when BOTH are needed in PVP is flat out retarded.


The things they thought were POSITIVE for the game have actually proven to be the complete opposite. I am unsubbing as of now.


NOW WAY IN HELL I am going to grind out 16 sets of PVP again AND all the mods needed to be even remotely viable in PVP.


I'm done with this game, for good.

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