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Sniper/Gunslinger "kneel bar" not working


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The take cover bar needs to be brought back. I was so hoping it was a BUG as it is not mentioned anywhere in the patch notes.

GS has been my go to toon over the years and so has Merc. I so wanted to play both of them together (dual pistols)...

I will be retiring GS/Sniper for good without the cover bar.


I know there are less abilities now but having a decent amount of abilities that you only use out of cover and some in cover it makes the use of key mappings/action bar slots very nice.


You click a button to go into cover. you don't click it again to turn it off...you can put an in cover ability in that same slot.

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Cover bar being removed was intentional. Not sure why it's not in the patch notes but it was noticed during the PTS cycle and said to be intended.


Oh no... I was sincerely hoping that this was a bug. Taking choice and quality of life away like this, making two entire classes play a lot less smoothly and a lot more awkward can't possibly be intended by the devs, right? There can't be a reasonable explanation as to how this benefits anyone at all. This is just a huge step back in regards to playability.


I hope that the feedback on stuff like this will incite change, but if this isn't reverted before my current subscription runs out, I'm done with SWTOR until we have our cover bar back.

Edited by jeffreydekogel
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