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Wow. Worse than I thought. I apologize


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The expansion was pretty bad. Manaan was hitting 45 fps on a 3080 and 5800X. It took an hour to beat taking my time, story was unremarkable at that. Flashpoint was pretty good because of malgus. Now comes pvp and testing out the new changes. My guardian is no longer any fun to play. Enemies just kite me around because no blade blitz, or force slow, and when I stun people they just get out of it because you can no longer follow it up after awe. So you sacrifice awe, blade blitz, and force slow so you can get saber reflect. It's just so boring to play that class now.


I'm not one of those people that like to be negative over everything, as a matter of facts I defended this expansion. But now its time to own up to my mistake and honestly its time to move on. I went ahead and canceled my sub and will now play a new mmo that just came out that I'm having more fun in. This isn't an advertisement so I wont name names, but it does everything right. I just don't feel like going through the gear grind again when the classes are no longer fun to play. Take care everyone!

Edited by SaerethDL
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I'm not one of those people that like to be negative over everything, as a matter of facts I defended this expansion. But now its time to own up to my mistake and honestly its time to move on. I went ahead and canceled my sub and will now play a new mmo that just came out that I'm having more fun in. This isn't an advertisement so I wont name names, but it does everything right. I just don't feel like going through the gear grind again when the classes are no longer fun to play. Take care everyone!

You take care too! Have fun out there.


Edit: I uninstalled myself. Between the eyesore UI, gutting class gameplay I enjoy, keybind wreckage, story that felt like it was taking creative liberties with my character to do an episode of a saturday morning cartoon instead of an RPG (I didn't even finish it all and have no desire to), weeklies gutting... and more! There's just nothing left to get out of it. Short of them doing a major apology and reversal that this studio is too prideful to ever even contemplate, I got no reason to stick around. On the bright side, at least I got something out of coming back, however briefly it was. Got to get a little more enjoyment out of the game before it was decimated and see some familiar faces again.

Edited by Rolodome
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