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Darth Malgus Server Lag


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Ever since the last patch (Game Update 6.3.2b - 12/14/2021) myself, and many of my guildmembers, have been experiencing really bad server lag and server disconnects on Darth Malgus server.


The server lag will just randomly spike into the hundreds or even thousands.

But also even when it says the server lag is fine there appears to be a delay on abilities etc.

It happens very irregularly, with many good days as well, but it has been noticeably worse since patch 6.3.2b.


Myself and several guildmembers have also experienced, upon first logging into the game, that while loading a character we will get repeatedly kicked to server select or character select screen until after a few tries a character will finally load.


One of my guildmembers also had an issue happen several times where after disconnecting on a character that character would get stuck as being online, requiring multiple relogs to fix.

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