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few points of feedback from returning player from 8-9 years ago


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Hello, i recently returned to the game and just giving some pointers here for feedback with the biggest issues i have with the game.


-Miss Direction


I feel extremely loss, there needs to be a better direction of where to go next, last time i left was on Hutt Cartel expansion. There should be a pop up guide akin to wow when you return. Or some better specific pointers.


-Level adjustment


My biggest grip with the game is the level adjustment on planets. Doesnt it go against the very principles of MMOs ?, why level at all if you cant go back to a low level planet and stomp ?. Its ok for flashpoints i guess, but to be honest it is too extreme. IT SHOULD NOT BE ON THE OPEN WORLD. And it goes both ways, not downscaling but also no upscaling. Who thought this was a good idea ?


-Magnifiying glass/ Map / Minimap


There needs to be a way to zoom in on the map. It is just horrible with the magnifiying glass and hard on the eyes




No guides ? No tutorial in game ?


-Old ship mechanism.


Why was it abandoned completely ?, and why no decorations on own ship ?


-Some armor textures.


Man some armor textures really aged bad. I hope the new releases have better textures


-Why Subscribe ?


I subscribed because i wanted Customer Service through ticket, could not bother calling EA, but why subscribe at all if pretty much everything is still with the Cartel Market ?


All in all my review for the game is positive. There is a lot of content, wish some of it was here on launch.


Just giving my few impressions about 30 hours into the game after a 8-9 year hiatus.

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I feel you on a lot of those points! I'm pretty sure there is a GSF tutorial though, but it's inadequate. Maybe it's too hard to find?


As for why to subscribe? That depends on what you like to do. I'm an alcoholic, so I subscribe to have access to all of my characters. I also subscribe to have access to all of my credits. With hyperinflation, there isn't much on the GTN that is affordable to non-subs. Raiders need to subscribe to access operations. I thought there was talk about bringing back passes, but so far nothing has come of it. Galactic Seasons has a subscriber track with some decent rewards and next month subscribers will get access to lvl 80 and the new story.

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I feel you on a lot of those points! I'm pretty sure there is a GSF tutorial though, but it's inadequate. Maybe it's too hard to find?


As for why to subscribe? That depends on what you like to do. I'm an alcoholic, so I subscribe to have access to all of my characters. I also subscribe to have access to all of my credits. With hyperinflation, there isn't much on the GTN that is affordable to non-subs. Raiders need to subscribe to access operations. I thought there was talk about bringing back passes, but so far nothing has come of it. Galactic Seasons has a subscriber track with some decent rewards and next month subscribers will get access to lvl 80 and the new story.


it should be more clear what i get with the sub.


I used to see "everything unlocked" before. Now i think that even with sub. The Cartel still takes precedence.


Btw, inflation ?


any tip to get some money ?

Edited by HectorCasan
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The level adjustment is a good thing because there is pretty much no content at max level. So you have to go back to old planets to have things to do.


But yes, this game needs a tutorial. BADLY. And the GSF tutorial is awful.


Subscribing is worth it for the removal of the credit limit, extra character slots, extra crew skill, unlocking new content, being able to equip purple and gold gear.

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The level adjustment is a good thing because there is pretty much no content at max level. So you have to go back to old planets to have things to do.


But yes, this game needs a tutorial. BADLY. And the GSF tutorial is awful.


Subscribing is worth it for the removal of the credit limit, extra character slots, extra crew skill, unlocking new content, being able to equip purple and gold gear.


But thats a design flaw, with a bandaid worse than the cure.


What about raiding ? isnt there "Raiding" ? at max level i mean ?


I really hate that my character doesnt progress TBH


BTW found this..


Rise of the Hutt Cartel (originally level 50-55)

Shadow of Revan (originally level 55-60)

Knights of the Fallen Empire (originally level 60-65)

Knights of the Eternal Throne (originally level 65-70)


Whats the 70-75 content called ? (current expansion i assume?)


EDIT: Btw, sad to hear that there is no content at max level, thats the exact reason i left back in 2011?... the game otherwise was fine.

Edited by HectorCasan
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In the upper right corner of the GSF hangar there is a tiny icon that will load you into the GSF tutorial. The tutorial kinda sucks.


There is a GSF forum here, with plenty of guides, on every server if you do /cjoin GSF you will get into the custom GSF chat channel, and there's a fair chance of being able to ask questions there, and there is a GSF Discord channel where you can get lots of expert advice, though at present probably best way to get a valid invite link is to ask in the /GSF channel or for a message from someone on the GSF forum as there was a spam bot epidemic a couple of weeks ago so I think they're trying to be a little cautious about access until whoever it was gets bored and wanders off to target some other channel. Basically you can get any question you want answered, if you can record footage of you playing with OBS or similar people will watch your tape and give detailed feedback on how to improve, and if you like and schedules work out people will even group with you ingame and get in chat to give 1 on 1 tutoring. It's sort of insanely nice/friendly for a computer game PvP game mode community. Well, unless you're in game and looking down the wrong end of a railgun barrel, then you're toast. But people will be happy to tell you how to avoid that, and how to do it yourself if you ask in the pause before the next match.


For credits:


Fast and easy: Buy armor sets with CC and sell on the GTN, though with the anniversary sales this may not be the best time to do that. If you have old unbound adaptive armors in storage they might be worth a lot on the GTN if they look cool and aren't widely available anymore.


Crafting: If you have old armor sets that have more or less disappeared, crafting them for outfits can be profitable, again, if they look cool. A blue level 34 chest piece or helmet can go for tens or hundreds of millions of credits if it's good looking and doesn't have equivalent models available elsewhere.


Crafting: At max level, anything that can be broken down into Mk-11 augmentation kit components will sell for decent markups, probably around 150 k to 300 k credits per unit. You have to move a lot of volume to do this, but it's pretty reliable if you have time and a lot of alts with a lot of max level companions.


Run FPs and Ops. The loot and rewards add up, and at higher difficulty levels the Ops crafting materials drops can be quite valuable.


Any activity that earns a lot of tech fragments. Get 10 k fragments, convert to an OEM or RPM crafting mat (little quest datapad near the spoils of war vendor) and sell for something like 30 to 50 million credits each.


Daily heroic missions from Ossus terminal. Turn in the alliance crates to Ogurrob, Aygo, Sanaa, and Visz. Aside from the credits and gear that you vendor, the real paydirt is the legendary quality companion gifts. Roughly a 20% drop rate, and worth 250 k to 300 k each on the GTN. On a stealth character with the easier heroics it's an easy 1 to 2 million credits / hour played, but a bit grindy.


Playing the GTN. Spreadsheets help a lot here. Look for stuff that sells well, get a feel for what the market price is, and buy low, sell high. There are weird opportunities here like being able to buy crafting materials for more from the GTN kiosks on fleet than from the vendors standing around on fleet. Why do people pay a markup instead of just walking over to the vendor? No idea, but the price difference is yours for the taking if you want it.

Edited by Ramalina
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-Miss Direction


I feel extremely loss, there needs to be a better direction of where to go next, last time i left was on Hutt Cartel expansion. There should be a pop up guide akin to wow when you return. Or some better specific pointers.

That's one of those things that gets asked for from time to time.

-Level adjustment


My biggest grip with the game is the level adjustment on planets. Doesnt it go against the very principles of MMOs ?, why level at all if you cant go back to a low level planet and stomp ?. Its ok for flashpoints i guess, but to be honest it is too extreme. IT SHOULD NOT BE ON THE OPEN WORLD. And it goes both ways, not downscaling but also no upscaling. Who thought this was a good idea ?

The same kind of people who thought it was a good idea in GW2, and (for "Fates") in FF14, that mostly-flat progression in open world wasn't such a bad idea. Or the people who built almost completely flat upscaling in ESO.


But if you can't go back to a lowbie planet as a maxbie and stomp *everything* except the world boss, you're doing *something* very, very wrong.



No guides ? No tutorial in game ?

There is a basic tutorial on moving around and shooting static targets, available from the Hangar panel.

-Old ship mechanism.


Why was it abandoned completely ?, and why no decorations on own ship ?

That's two different things.


1. In what way are you saying that it was abandoned completely? I'm not saying you're wrong, nor that you're right, because I'm not entirely sure what you mean.


2. The word I heard is that the ships contain a tangled mess of tangly code related to the class stories, and that this code is not just tangly but very fragile. Best if they leave it alone as much as possible.

-Some armor textures.


Man some armor textures really aged bad. I hope the new releases have better textures

It's not so much that they aged as that they *didn't* age, so they are left back in 2011 or even 2010, and haven't been retextured along the way to use higher texture resolutions.

-Why Subscribe ?


I subscribed because i wanted Customer Service through ticket, could not bother calling EA, but why subscribe at all if pretty much everything is still with the Cartel Market ?

A few things *aren't* with the Cartel Market:

* Holding more than a million credits at a time on a character. (No, Escrow tokens aren't a substitute.)

* Queuing up more than one item per companion to craft. There is no CM token to unblock that.

* Learning Sprint before level 10. Only subscribers can do that, and there is no CM token to unlock it.

* Learning Speeder Piloting 1 for free at level 10. For non-subscribers, it happens at level 25, and there is no CM token to unlock the at-level-10 thing. (Yes, you can buy the level earlier still for credits or CCs, but there is nothing to simply unlock learning via the class trainers at level 10.)

* Getting access to the newest expansions. Ever since 4.0, the story content (and max level) for new expansions is only available to accounts that have been subscribed while the expansions in question were available.

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But thats a design flaw, with a bandaid worse than the cure.


What about raiding ? isnt there "Raiding" ? at max level i mean ?


I really hate that my character doesnt progress TBH


BTW found this..


Rise of the Hutt Cartel (originally level 50-55)

Shadow of Revan (originally level 55-60)

Knights of the Fallen Empire (originally level 60-65)

Knights of the Eternal Throne (originally level 65-70)


Whats the 70-75 content called ? (current expansion i assume?)


EDIT: Btw, sad to hear that there is no content at max level, thats the exact reason i left back in 2011?... the game otherwise was fine.


The current expansion is Onslaught (70-75). The next one is called Legacy of the Sith (75-80). SWTOR has a skeleton crew these days and expansions typically add 1-2 planets, a new story, new flashpoint, and new operation. Just imagine queueing for a flashpoint, and it's the same one over and over. It wouldn't work, so all the low level flashpoints are scaled up to 70 and players are scaled up or down to 70 (depending on their level). That way there are 27 flashpoints to do instead of 1.

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i returend as well after 8 years. Yes the game is extremely confusing and overwhelming. It took me weeks to get feel for jedi i created and even my commando i had before i left.


Few things

  • Use quick travel. Alot of the time, you can insta teleport to and from mission destinations and save a ton of time. Its annoying bc the quick travel map doesnt show mission obj locations so you have compare maps
  • Max your companions to 50. This helps alot with story and solo missions
  • I'd say read the guides on combat but thats changing in about a month

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In the upper right corner of the GSF hangar there is a tiny icon that will load you into the GSF tutorial. The tutorial kinda sucks.


There is a GSF forum here, with plenty of guides, on every server if you do /cjoin GSF you will get into the custom GSF chat channel, and there's a fair chance of being able to ask questions there, and there is a GSF Discord channel where you can get lots of expert advice, though at present probably best way to get a valid invite link is to ask in the /GSF channel or for a message from someone on the GSF forum as there was a spam bot epidemic a couple of weeks ago so I think they're trying to be a little cautious about access until whoever it was gets bored and wanders off to target some other channel. Basically you can get any question you want answered, if you can record footage of you playing with OBS or similar people will watch your tape and give detailed feedback on how to improve, and if you like and schedules work out people will even group with you ingame and get in chat to give 1 on 1 tutoring. It's sort of insanely nice/friendly for a computer game PvP game mode community. Well, unless you're in game and looking down the wrong end of a railgun barrel, then you're toast. But people will be happy to tell you how to avoid that, and how to do it yourself if you ask in the pause before the next match.


For credits:


Fast and easy: Buy armor sets with CC and sell on the GTN, though with the anniversary sales this may not be the best time to do that. If you have old unbound adaptive armors in storage they might be worth a lot on the GTN if they look cool and aren't widely available anymore.


Crafting: If you have old armor sets that have more or less disappeared, crafting them for outfits can be profitable, again, if they look cool. A blue level 34 chest piece or helmet can go for tens or hundreds of millions of credits if it's good looking and doesn't have equivalent models available elsewhere.


Crafting: At max level, anything that can be broken down into Mk-11 augmentation kit components will sell for decent markups, probably around 150 k to 300 k credits per unit. You have to move a lot of volume to do this, but it's pretty reliable if you have time and a lot of alts with a lot of max level companions.


Run FPs and Ops. The loot and rewards add up, and at higher difficulty levels the Ops crafting materials drops can be quite valuable.


Any activity that earns a lot of tech fragments. Get 10 k fragments, convert to an OEM or RPM crafting mat (little quest datapad near the spoils of war vendor) and sell for something like 30 to 50 million credits each.


Daily heroic missions from Ossus terminal. Turn in the alliance crates to Ogurrob, Aygo, Sanaa, and Visz. Aside from the credits and gear that you vendor, the real paydirt is the legendary quality companion gifts. Roughly a 20% drop rate, and worth 250 k to 300 k each on the GTN. On a stealth character with the easier heroics it's an easy 1 to 2 million credits / hour played, but a bit grindy.


Playing the GTN. Spreadsheets help a lot here. Look for stuff that sells well, get a feel for what the market price is, and buy low, sell high. There are weird opportunities here like being able to buy crafting materials for more from the GTN kiosks on fleet than from the vendors standing around on fleet. Why do people pay a markup instead of just walking over to the vendor? No idea, but the price difference is yours for the taking if you want it.


I have a couple nice Elegant Modified lightsaber crafts.


*** 19 million, 2 million, 9 million ???

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I have a couple nice Elegant Modified lightsaber crafts.


*** 19 million, 2 million, 9 million ???


First check your server for current quantity and price on the GTN. Use that as a guideline if there are a significant number of them.


If there are none? Well you can advertise on fleet chat and annoy people. Otherwise, at a guess, try around 15 to 20 million, post for a few days, if they don't sell work your way down in increments of 2 million or so until they start selling.

May take a while, it really depends on what people are or aren't looking for. For old timers, things that unlocked via reputation grinds can also be niche enough to sometimes have significant value, because not every crafter will be able to craft them. Color crystals, craftable dyes, and consumables (stims, adrenals, medpacks) aren't big ticket items, but there does tend to be steady demand.

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