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"Interruptive gameplay" and conquest


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I made similar thread on general dicussion but realized it is much more at home here, since changes discussed are ones not yet implemented to live game. Below is a a quote from a post by dev. You can easily find it via dev tracker, google, etc.


It was increasing the rate of acquisition for what should be long term goals for players, promoting a playstyle of interruptive play as players hit their Conquest target and then swap out their characters, creating social pressures to participate in Conquest as often as possible,


It is very strange to me they speak of juggling tons of alts as an "interruptive play " that is as if some disease to be cured. More alts I play, more classes I have to figure out. More spacebarbie I have to play. More various forms of customization is there for me to toy with. Remove this from people and more and more folks might realize its just them grinding 10 year old content on 1-3 characters.


I mean..it is what it is: Huge portion of content people do while hopping throough core gameplay loops of TOR is extremely old and worn out. We speak of 10 year old planetary missions and so on. Need to spice this stuff up is huge I think. Juggling a ton of alts for conquest has provided an excellent antidote for boredom. Many see it as entertaining. How can this be seen as a bad thing from BW's part? How is this in and ofitself something to redeem?


No playstyle or gameplay is " forced" to player via changing characters frequently. Ops, Fps, planetaries, GSF, pvp..

these doors aren't closed from you due to desire to play a 10000 alts. Nor do they close if you stick to one character. It is a decision one is free to make, not " social pressure"


In general, it is quite funny you speak of " social pressure" in this regard, while have no issues locking all the best gear behind Ops or grp based pve in general!!! There's your true social pressure.


Currently, everybody makes so much conquest that nobody, guilds fighting to win planets excluded, cares how much conquest I make. Guilds reach their targets with ease. Nerf amount of conq coming in-> Guilds start having harder time reaching targets.->More guilds begin pushing members for conquest. -> There is your social pressure. To be clear, I'm not convinced this would even be a bad thing as such. Its just that notion of nerfing conq in various ways decreses social pressure is ridiculous.


Most guilds (and most importantly, people in these guilds) have gotten used to viewing high yield conquest as a vital service they provide to members. More you nerf conquest, more small guilds will have to push their members to reach it.



Utterly thoughtless conquest patch of early 2020 that created all these issues BW is still trying to fix ended up accidentally promoting/enabling this ""interruptive gameplay""" Said interruptive gameplay ended up helping the game out by a great deal I think. Many people found it entertaining. More characters people have, harder it generally is to become bored imo. More characters people play, more cartel related desires they have. This stuff is a win-win for all.



Last time Bioware made huge changes to conquest, (the utterly thoughtless conquest patch of early 2020) it ended up creating a dysfunctional situation where content that needs no other people to happen was vastly superior conquest compared to content that needs other people to happen: Planetary missions, and only planetary missions + stuff orbiting them were awesome conquest while all multiplayer content, GSF, FPs, Ops etc utterly paled in comparsion. This was insane, terrible and lasted for a very long time. If you do end up poking with conquest in some big way, PLEASE MAKE SURE it stays even somewhat balanced in this regard.Instead of breaking things and taking a year to fix it again. Please make sure GSF, PvP and all other multiplayer content isn't forgotten or turned inferor to super accessible solo content.



I'm super happy to see they are giving some rewards for people playing on TC. Hopefully it brings a crowd there. Even so, please be aware of issues a small playerbase testing will bring to feedback. You prolly won't have meaningful conquest, FP groups, GSF, PvP, Ops etc going on Test Center. So you get no feedback from this stuff.


If BW would utterly nerf amount of credits created to the world by completion of conquest objectives (they kinda did,1.5 years late but hey) and have people move wealth already generated in the world back and forth via GTN by selling conq mats, then inflation won't get worse due to conquest anymore.




More GSF conent please!!



How can GTN still be capped at 1 bil? It is turning the whole thing more and more useless by the day. No matter what BW does, surely inflation only stops or slows, it won't go backwards. So everything cool costing over 1 bil is gonna cost over 1 bil in future just as well.


Pps why not have a mock up conquest race on TC? have one dev created guild imp side, another rep side. Give invite rights to all. Maybe give fancy title to all involved.Maybe disable guildchat if you worried about griefing or stuff. It'd promote activity at least as well as current titles imo.

Edited by Stradlin
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You know... They're the ones who designed it in the first place. What exactly did they expect? It encouraged us to play alts, then now suddenly switching to alts to do conquest is a problem.


So instead of making it more rewarding for people who don't have alts, they nerf conquest for alts. An easy fix would have been to make it possible for one character to claim conquest rewards multiple times, but what's the fun in that? Let's just nerf it for everyone...


Without my alts and being able to do multiple conquests and getting rewards, I would have quit months ago. There's really not much to do for "endgame" for solo players, and really not much point to stick to one character when I could get rewards for switching to another (and get to experience more of the stories too).


It's just a bad design and a bad solution to a bad design. It's like suddenly alts are a bad thing, and the rewards you'll get after 4 conquests are a total joke.

Edited by Pricia
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You know... They're the ones who designed it in the first place. What exactly did they expect? It encouraged us to play alts, then now suddenly switching to alts to do conquest is a problem.


So instead of making it more rewarding for people who don't have alts, they nerf conquest for alts. An easy fix would have been to make it possible for one character to claim conquest rewards multiple times, but what's the fun in that? Let's just nerf it for everyone...


Without my alts and being able to do multiple conquests and getting rewards, I would have quit months ago. There's really not much to do for "endgame" for solo players, and really not much point to stick to one character when I could get rewards for switching to another (and get to experience more of the stories too).


It's just a bad design and a bad solution to a bad design. It's like suddenly alts are a bad thing, and the rewards you'll get after 4 conquests are a total joke.



Massive alt carousel and conquest treadmill combines into a pretty fun gameplay loop. It isn't easy to make 10 year old missions more fun than this. Now they mess around with this notion and see a fun thing they accidentally created as """interruptive gameplay""""". Gg.

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