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Fleet Adaptive Armor Vendors Missing Initiate's Lightsaber for Knights and Warriors


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I have noticed that the basic Adaptive Gear Vendors on the Republic and Imperial Fleets, Darthyn on the Republic Fleet and Captain Thanar on the Imperial Fleet appear to be missing an item for Jedi Knight and Sith Warrior characters.


There is modifyable Offhand gear available for Jedi Knights and Sith Warriors called the Initiate's Offhand Saber, Initiate's Generator, and Initiate's Shield, but there is no Mainhand Initiate's Lightsaber available. There are other Mainhand Weapons available for other classes, such as Acolyte's Lightsaber and Acolyte's Saberstaff for Jedi Consulars and Trainee's Blaster Pistol for Smugglers and Bounty Hunters, but no Mainhand weapon for the Jedi Knights and Sith Warriors.


THis has been missing since these vendor's introduction, and this is rather inconvenient for me whenever I need an extra modable Mainhand Lightsaber that is usable by new and low level characters. It is also disappointing that I cannot get matching Initiate's Lightsaber and Initiate's Offhand Saber for my Jedi Sentinel and Sith Marauder Characters.


Since Weapon slots are going to be added to Outfit Designers in the upcoming expansion, I would appreciate it if someone could please take a look into this, and finally make the Initiate's lightsaber for Jedi Knights and Sith Warriors available.


Thank you for your time.

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