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Iokath return ... Walker homin missiles are bugged


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So attack 7 on the Tool Bar (after missiles are loaded) is enabled


Cooldown : 10s

Range :50m

Locks on to any target within range, firing multiple missiles that home in on the targets.




except it doesn't do any thing. I stand 35-40m away from an enemy group (Highlight 1 in the middle and verify the range) ... hit the "Homing Missile" key and like the Millennium Falcon's Hyper-drive lever ... I get nothing.


Any ideas ? Is this a genuine bug .. .or is the description incorrect?


Addendum ...

I tried it again whilst I was in the middle of a fight and it worked. So yes I guess it does work just not as the tactical notes on the key says it does. Which is still a bug in my books ... albeit a doco bug.

Edited by NathKnights
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I've encountered the same thing a number of times. It doesn't seem to have been so bad recently, and most times I've used the homing missiles it's worked. But on 2 occasions nothing happened. Some months ago (I can't now say how many so I can't say what patch number we were at at the time) I found the homing missiles never worked if I used them as my first attack against a group of mobs (it made no difference whether I had one targeted or not), but if I used another attack first, the homing missiles then fired as they were supposed to.
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