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Group Finder activities


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I have been playing Devil's Advocate quite a lot for the upcoming expansion, but this time I cannot. Funny enough, I think this might be a change that some aren't really bothered by, unlike others presented to us in 7.0, but I still feel the need to tell my gripes with it. You may call it nit picking, but so far it's the first thing that really got to me.


I get into all of the activities that exist in this game, except for GSF(sorry GSF peeps :(). But at the forefront, I always enjoy the journey Bioware has created with the story, and I mean all story aspects, be them side, exploratory, heroic quests etc.. You'll find me searching for people to do the Seeker Droid and Macrobinacular quests on almost all of my characters. And I am that weirdo you may have seem on occasion asking for people to join him in the Colicoid War Game flashpoint. I'm just that sort of a guy, not really a full-on completionist, but I enjoy the world building in this game and all the aspects that add to it through ALL story elements.


All this being said, I can't believe that I only have 8 Veteran Flashpoints I can do per week using the GF. I mean I guess they did this because most people would spam Hammer Station or Red Reaper, but for someone like myself that used to take each of my characters through all the Flashpoints available in this game, at least once, this is a joke. I used to just have to look for groups for Colicoid War Game or for Kaon Under Siege and Lost Island if we go a couple months back. Now I have to look for a group for all of them to play on Veteran if I am unlucky? I know for sure I am not alone in this weird aspect because I've met plenty of peeps who follow different guides online to get into the story of the game and are doing the Flashpoints in a certain order posted on those respective forums. Now if the "next in line" Flashpoint is not available on the GF, people will skip it and not go back to them.


People were doing all the Operations regardless, even though when the GF actually worked for Operations, some were focusing on the ones listed there. But you would also manage to find groups for all of them in any event. But now to start spamming General chat for a certain Veteran Flashpoint I want to do? As I said, maybe I'm one of the few blokes who is irritated by this, but it really annoyed me more than a lot of other things for the upcoming expansion.

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I really hope that all flashpoints and operations are added to the group finder at some point, even though we won't be able to play them in chronological order.


(I'm that weirdo who is still upset about the Oricon storyline bait and switch for solo players. Also seeker droid, as you said.)

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I've long wanted this game to dump the existing group finder system and implement a proper LFG system to give ALL players the ability in game to find each other and play the content we want, with who we want, and how we want.


Do you want to spam hammer station, post a grind run?

Do you want to group up for flashpoints and not have to see "spacebar pls" in the chat for the whole run? Post for a flower sniffing run!

Do you want to group up to run the world quests with someone, or kill a bunch of World Bosses, or hunt for HK parts? Post it and anyone in the server can join up.

Do you want to complete the dailies and weeklies that give extrinsic rewards? You can do that too?


But no, instead we are getting an even more claustrophobic grouping system in 7.0 that is solely designed to keep us on the hamster wheel.

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I have been playing Devil's Advocate quite a lot for the upcoming expansion, but this time I cannot. Funny enough, I think this might be a change that some aren't really bothered by, unlike others presented to us in 7.0 ...


All this being said, I can't believe that I only have 8 Veteran Flashpoints I can do per week using the GF. I mean I guess they did this because most people would spam Hammer Station or Red Reaper, but for someone like myself that used to take each of my characters through all the Flashpoints available in this game, at least once, this is a joke. I used to just have to look for groups for Colicoid War Game or for Kaon Under Siege and Lost Island if we go a couple months back...


I had to guess when I saw it yesterday, it's exactly because some endlessly grind 1-3 of the Faster Flashpoints; still I didn't like seeing only 8 in VET Mode Queue, or only 7 in MASTER. Still maybe their still is 27 that can QUEUE? There just far more Random, aside from the 7-8 you can FILTER? An answer to that be nice though!



NOTE: If there is 27 Flashpoints, add TOOLTIP to show some can be FILTERED; then list those that cannot!



I do greatly LOVE if they are limiting or trying to discourage, people from always running 1, 2 or 3, of the fastest Flashpoints all the time! They maybe are also trying to encourage, well more Randomness to QUEUE which is nice. I like you, appreciate far more Variety, so maybe they will still be available; you just can't FILTER them? That is currently unknown however...


If that's what they are doing, then I welcome it! Still they should add a Tooltip, that identifies all possible combinations; adding that only some can be FILTERED. Still I didn't like seeing only 7-8 listed, so hopefully all 27 can still POP in queue. So again a clarifying TOOLTIP be nice!


I really hope that all flashpoints and operations are added to the group finder at some point, even though we won't be able to play them in chronological order.


(I'm that weirdo who is still upset about the Oricon storyline bait and switch for solo players. Also seeker droid, as you said.)


I'm hoping it's just a REDUCED FILTER option! I never checked to see if Hammer Station, though I'd wouldn't see why it wouldn't. It's also possible some are removed (Temp) from QUEUE, or they just can't be FILTERED. So if you want to run them, you either run in Story Mode mostly for the XP with a few Friends.

Edited by Strathkin
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