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Sent - DPS


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Hey everyone, I have been reading these forums up and down, only to find people complaining that sent dps isn't all that great. I beg to differ.


Currently I am lvl 40 jedi sent. I have been stacking crit. My spec is primarily combat, with 2 in watchman, and 2 in focus.


The reason I spent points this way is quite simple. The focus tree gives me 3 seconds off the cast time of master strike, and the combat tree gives me 3 more seconds off master strike. Just so you know my master strikes are hitting for about 3 times for 700. Sometimes they get higher or lower but I would say that is the average.


Now I have seen people say the rotation is hard. Why is it hard, its no harder than anything else you only have to use 5 - 7 abilities.


While there is no current dps meter, I play with one of the best tanks in game. I can pull threat off him like it is nothing. This means I am doing enough threat to pull of the tank, but no one else is, seeing that I have no threat taking abilities one can assume that my threat pulling is due to my dps.


This is sort of what my rotation looks like and it is fairly important as to the order.


Force Leap, then Force sweep ( if aoeing ) or Zealous Strike, then Blade Storm, then Blade rush, then Precision Slash, followed by Slash until Zealous Strike comes up. Rinse and repeat more of less. After the initial pull take Force Leap out of your rotation. It is a unless ability at this point, unless there is more than one target.


The primary reason I have set up my rotation in this manner is simple. Zealous Strike gives you focus, with that being said if you Zealous Strike first then Master Strike Zealous Strike's cool down will continue counting during your Master Strike which will ensure you have it back up for the next round of your rotation. Sometimes, it would seem I still have to use just my normal attack sometimes to build up a little focus to get the rotation going. But, to be honest I don't see where our DPS is lacking.


I have read other comments stating that they put cauterize in their rotation. I feel like this is a bad idea. While your this ability can crit I have found its not potent enough to waste the focus or the global cool down on. In earlier lvls I had it in my rotation, but now I feel it us useless.


While I have not played any other class, I see my sent criting non stop, his Blade Storm hits for 1200, and 700 seems to be my average crit using other abilities, my form crits for close to 200 when it procs, and my melee swings crit for close to 500. My offhand crits for close to 120. Those numbers may not seem that impressive, however when you are hitting as fast as we hit, it adds up quickly.


I feel I am to the point now where I am going to start stacking surge more than crit, but I also would like to keep my crit high.


For a Jedi, I would imagine your stats should be prioritized in this order, Str ( this you should not have to gear for should be on the most items anyway ), Crit, Surge. So far this is the route I have gone and several people have noticed, my dps. I know you say how well here Ill explain.


We pull a group of 2 golds and 2 silvers. The group kills the first gold, I kill the second gold and can start working on a silver before the group has the first gold down. That means that a tank, healer, and another dps are killing slower than I can by myself.


To the people who say sents arent good. Then maybe you are doing something wrong.





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Hi mate, it's still early doors. There is nothing to really analyse which class is doing what in dps. People are just seeing pretty numbers and complaining. Give it a few months and then people will be in a good position to say what is what.


The only compaint Ihave is I want Bartender 4 from wow to mod my UI!

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If you really have been reading forums than you would know that people are not complaining that sentinel dps, they are complaining about 2 primary things. !. Sentinel is extremely harder than the other classes to dps as (you rotation pretty much has to be perfect due to rage system) and 2. the game's (in its current state) combat toolbar is very unresponsive and glitchy(meaning sometimes when u press a skill it wont activate and if u press it too much it cancels out completely). Side note i noticed opportune attack doesnt proc as much as it should(suppose to be 100% proc off of every ataru form proc but i only see it every so often and i ataru proc all the time).
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The reason I spent points this way is quite simple. The focus tree gives me 3 seconds off the cast time of master strike, and the combat tree gives me 3 more seconds off master strike. Just so you know my master strikes are hitting for about 3 times for 700. Sometimes they get higher or lower but I would say that is the average.


lol wut?

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