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DvL Boss Issue - Player Griefing (Harrassment)


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There is a serious problem on star forge involving several players that are intentionally despawning all the DvL bosses. I saw someone mention that this was happening, but did not believe it. Afterall, what rationale person would waste time to travel to all 4 planets and boss locations just to prevent others from being able to finish the bosses? Well, I saw it for myself last night. They were not even discrete about it. I got screenshots of two different players with different legacy names were involved. I am doing videos of the next ones before I submit it all to bioware for action. If you have evidence please forward it to bioware, or me to include with mine. Unbelievable to know that there are some humans out that who consider this entertainment.




Harassment Policy

Our goal is to build a strong community that offers a comfortable atmosphere for all of our players. This means seeing that players have the ability to combat antisocial behavior


Harassment consists of misuse and/or abuse of game mechanics and verbal harassment with the intention of distressing and offending other players. Game mechanics allow players to interact with the world and each other. For example, the ability to block a doorway is a game mechanic. Use of game mechanics like these is by no means considered harassment in and of itself. The key to determining whether the mechanic is being misused or abused is to determine "intent." Reported incidents are not considered harassment until it is determined by the SWTOR CS that it was done to intentionally to cause distress or to offend other players.


Harassment is also any behavior that is incessant, inescapable, derogatory and directed specifically at you or your group. Before reporting, a genuine attempt to alleviate the situation should be made by leaving the area or the offending player, or asking them politely to stop. If a sincere attempt has been made to solve the problem and the offending player persists in the behavior, it should be reported.


A judgment of valid harassment can result in penalties placed on the harassing party up to and including immediate account closure, based on the severity of harassment and the player's past account history.


Player versus Player (“PvP”) activities, where available, are not exempt from this policy.

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I'm on SF, and dealing with this just like the OP.


The harassment (which is what it is) highlights some programming issues with the D v L event.


1) The MOBs can attack or be attacked by other MOBs. This causes them to despawn.


2) Engaging and not defeating them, causes them to despawn. (This is the mechanic the harassers are using)


3) Mechanics (visually) appear, two to three seconds after you start taking damage or are incapacitated. (All planets, seems worse on Ald, Hoth and Tat, not so bad on DK)


4) The harassers have been reported MULTIPLE times, with no recourse from EA.


The solution of "tagging" will not work because stealthers will insta-vanish, causing (2) to action.

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On Satele Shan server, I've seen it happen twice (both times on Alderaan, although I doubt that that means anything) where someone would aggro the boss as we were about to attack, possibly hoping that we would kill it for them and they could get all the credit.


I have managed to get the achievements, so hang in there. But these are infuriating practices that serve only to rob people.


I doubt it will be fixed before 7.0 rolls out. But given that they've said the bosses would return at some point, they should take this into account when coding their return.

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Well, I have to give the guy credit for being so devoted to this. Just get the bosses on other servers. I doubt that he does it on all servers. Its not that hard to do these kills. If this would be the only server where its possible then it could be harrasment but since u can just transfer and do it elsewhere its no big thing.
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Well, I have to give the guy credit for being so devoted to this. Just get the bosses on other servers. I doubt that he does it on all servers. Its not that hard to do these kills. If this would be the only server where its possible then it could be harrasment but since u can just transfer and do it elsewhere its no big thing.


Not sure why you feel the need to defend these actions.


To the people trying to knock out this accomplishment, yes, it is a "big thing".

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