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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

PvP needs tweaking!!


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This is not a QQ or whine thread but but I do have some issues with the PvP game as it stands. I have enetered many BG's only to be rolled by the opposite team who are 10+ lvls (20 in some) above the highest on my own team. I know there are issues with lone players V pre-mades and that is a given but the matching needs sorting out, many people I have spoken to have given up on PvP as it stands because of the imbalance. Thoughts? Edited by Redat
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Due to bolster, you shouldn't be getting rolled. If you are going in with all greens, yeah your gonna get smeared but that is a given, that would happen even if you were 1v1 same level and they had all blues. If the level difference is huge, like a 15 vs a 50 i can see it but you should be able to do pretty well against someone 10 levels above you. Check your skills, use everything at your disposal. Also most of the classes in the game bloom late, so level some more and it will get significantly easier.
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Bolster means shet vs a 50 in good pvp gear, you WILL get rolled, even if you have good gear for your lvl, first of all they have like 4-7k more hp then you, alot more expertise, and you cant get that if your under lvl 50, so yes, lvl 50s need there own bracket. And as a 50 you have alot more abilitys. Just face the truth, 50s roll people under that lvl.
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Bolster means shet vs a 50 in good pvp gear, you WILL get rolled, even if you have good gear for your lvl, first of all they have like 4-7k more hp then you, alot more expertise, and you cant get that if your under lvl 50, so yes, lvl 50s need there own bracket. And as a 50 you have alot more abilitys. Just face the truth, 50s roll people under that lvl.


You can get some Expertise as low as your mid 30's. By 40's there's a full PvP set that offers Expertise in low amounts.


It's not comparable to full Champion or higher gear.. but it's something.

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level difference matters, bolster just make it kinda playable but not fair at all.


consider: stats are equaled, but the higher level player always has more utility by skills from the trainer and talents. those will make a devastating difference in every fight. many class defining combos are simply not possible at lower levels due to missing spells/skills. i always sigh about having low level members in my team, it just does not matter much whether they are good or bad, they simply fall behind because as described

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Just because your high level doesn't mean your skilled either. I've seen plenty bolstered low levels out perform level 50's


The system works. Don't see a problem.


For me player skill, win or lose overall is more important. When they hit cap they'll be all the better then these ' I rushed to 50 but cant play for crap' players.


I laugh at the 50's who think they are all that. Take away the gear and the levels and most of them couldn't outplay a dead jawa.

Edited by Rainfeather
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Bolster means shet vs a 50 in good pvp gear, you WILL get rolled, even if you have good gear for your lvl, first of all they have like 4-7k more hp then you, alot more expertise, and you cant get that if your under lvl 50, so yes, lvl 50s need there own bracket. And as a 50 you have alot more abilitys. Just face the truth, 50s roll people under that lvl.


not to mention abilities.

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