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Please don't make alts useless by limiting CQ rewards to only 3 characters


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They were originally designed for CM boxes.


But this was also a gamble. sometimes there was 1 in an entire hypercrate, sometimes 2 oder 3, sometimes none.

The only reliable source is nowadays the daily login reward. All things before were based on rng/luck.

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They were originally designed for CM boxes. When they removed them from those, they became much harder to get. For awhile we could get them from our own strong hold slot machine decorations. Then they nerfed those too.

At this point they should really remove them / convert them to something more obtainable playing content or at least let people buy them via credits. They would actually be a good credit sink of sorts.


So you're saying, Ii could pay in-game credits, for the chance to receive a cartel certificate, which I could then combine with OTHER in-game credits to buy {WIDGETS}


Gosh, no wonder EA removed that option. It made too much sense.

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The most reliable source of CM certs is Nightlife. I have ~200 left over from two years ago. I did not play the slots this year and what I have left is after I spent a bunch. They are quite easy to get from Nightlife. They do still drop from Contraband Slot Machines, but yes, they are a rare drop. They do still drop from Cartel crates, too, but, again, a rare drop. And, of course, you get five per month from daily log in rewards. Edited by ceryxp
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I regularly get 2 million on the first day on one character, and while I do play a lot on the first day it's from the afternoon to the night, with a small 30 minute break. I get one conquest reward out of that 2 million while someone getting 1/4th of my points spread across 10 characters would get 10 conquest rewards. I'm not gonna get into whether that's fair or not as I'm fairly neutral on the topic, but please try to understand his point of view instead of being rude about it. Some people may not want to feel coerced to play loads of alts just so they can gear their main optimally. Though thanks to conquest gear being the lowest quality as far as stat distribution, you won't be able to do that with conquest rewards anyway in 7.0 even with commendations uncapped.




First off you don't currently need that to gear alts to 306 due to the renown system and legacy bound moddable gear. And as far as 7.0 rewards go, while there are no more Resource Matrix rewards, I believe you'll still get Flagship Encryptions as well as Tech Fragments to buy legendary gear/tacticals/RPM's. We don't know how alt gearing will work due to not knowing how Loadouts will work or how other objectives reward gear, so it's a lot of speculation as to how much this 3 character cap for commendations actually matters.


Bottom line is don't be rude about it, everyone is getting the wrong end of the stick except for NiM raiders so the less we argue amongst ourselves the better.


yes because somehow you are still forced to do conquest even though you yourself demonstrated that you most certainly do not need to.


and yes becasue its such an engaging gameplay to log into a character and instead of playing said character, you have to play a gear shuffle first, because THEY DON"T GET TO HAVE THEIR OWN SET OF GEAR. you have to shuffle it through legacy bank instead, and never mind that it also means that my alts might get the gear, but they certainly won't get the weapons because you now... different classes use different weapons. but yeah.. apparently its fair to make some of us who like to experience variety of stories - spend extra time each die just shufffling gear around instead of jumping straight into playing, because some of YOU are so stuck on not getting the same amount of... boxes.


no I will no longer try to understand his point of you or yours because it has nothing to do with fairness and everything to do with pettiness.


P.S. I perfectly understand anyways, even though I get way more credits through questing then I do through vendoring those credit chips, but I'm also in a small guild, yay me - why they are removing credit chips from conquest. but that is not the ONLY thing they are removing. right now, I get gear through conquest on every character. when this goes live, not only I'm not getting mats, not only I would now actualy have to grind to get those encryptions vs how I can help my guild through natural play thanks to doubling of the requirement to finish a conquest from 50k to 100k, but I'm also limited just how much gear I can get or upgrade. but that's right you think that having to have a single set of gear in a legacy bank that all my characters have to share is more fair then you having an OPTION to ignore conquest on alts as you are already currently doing anyways, and still make your daily millions.

Edited by Jeweledleah
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Have such reliable sources ever existed? I don't think so.


Whats bothering me more is that BW encouraged people for years to make alts and now they are going to punish those who have done it. :mad:


CM certs were dropping constantly from the casino event this past summer.


You barely even had to spend credits to keep getting them, unlike the year before.


I played casually just for CM certs, because I'd gotten the event rewards I preferred in the past, and still amassed 200 or more CM certs. This was using all Emperor tokens that had accumulated doing content, and playing the Kingpin slots with the Feeling Lucky buff.


Out of the entirel time the event was live, I think I played roughly 1 hour a night for about 5-6 nights.


In short, while CM certs may have been harder to come by in the past, BW gave everyone a really easy way to get them during the casino event.


It was a nice way to reward participation, since the vendors in the Bazaar section of Fleet have some good ways to spend CM certs. There are some worthwhile decos in the crew skills area too.

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