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Please don't make alts useless by limiting CQ rewards to only 3 characters


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Seems it's the case on PTS right now and it stinks. We put in the time, work, and sometimes money to level up alts, you're already doubling the amount of work to get CQ done, and now you want to altogether give us no incentive to play more than 3 alts?


That is not ok. And it will guarantee that the smaller alt guilds will not make it.


If we put in the extra work to do CQ on more than 3 characters, we need to get some sort of reward for it!

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Is this confirmed that you will only be able to get 3 Alts through conquest due to BioWare limiting it?


On PTS there's a weekly cap of 600 Marks of Commendation, and you get 200 from CQ. I'm just hoping that, if they go through with this, we'll still get some sort of reward for doing CQ on more than 3 characters (how the heck do we still get tech fragments anyway?).


There's also a cap of 800 aquatic resource matrix per week.


So basically, it's like rep, anything you do with more than 3 characters won't help you. It was ok for rep, but for gearing... it's just really lame. I might as well forget gearing up more than 3 characters at this point.

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Gonna be in support of limiting, feels quite terrible that if I dont do things I dont enjoy aka play 20 alts I am losing in a lot of rewards and credits.


I play characters because I enjoy them, not because i am forced to because I want the rewards.


Imo weekly CQ should take a lot longer to complete with more and better rewards but it should be limited on one character or better yet maybe make it legacy wide so all can progress for that common goal instead of trying to make people play more characters for the rewards.

Edited by ralphieceaser
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Gonna be in support of limiting, feels quite terrible that if I dont do things I dont enjoy aka play 20 alts I am losing in a lot of rewards and credits.


I play characters because I enjoy them, not because i am forced to because I want the rewards.


Imo weekly CQ should take a lot longer to complete with more and better rewards but it should be limited on one character or better yet maybe make it legacy wide so all can progress for that common goal instead of trying to make people play more characters for the rewards.


Oh but it's totally fine for people who don't enjoy ops to have lower item rating, but because YOU don't like alts, people who put hours leveling alts clearly shouldn't get any type of advantage for it!

Edited by Pricia
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Oh but it's totally fine for people who don't enjoy ops to have lower item rating, but because YOU don't like alts, people who put hours leveling alts clearly shouldn't get any type of advantage for it!

huh? What are you talking about? I am completely against ops gear being higher than everyone else since that just spreads elitism and inequality and have always in all mmorpgs supported the idea that max gear should be obtainable by all from multiple ways.


More importantly I am against people getting advantages in general, I have like 16-20 characters but I enjoy them one at a time because I enjoy their playstyle, I dont play 20 characters every day so I can farm conquest and I know I am losing a huge amount of rewards and credits that way, and it is quite absurd for people who do that to have such an advantage.


So by making it a legacy wide weekly, everyone gets equal rewards by doing what they enjoy. You enjoy alts? Great you are gonna progress the weekly that way, I enjoy doing multiple forms of content on my current main character? Great i ll grind it on my main and we both get EQUAL REWARDS.

Now if your enjoyment of alts came completely through the CQ rewards, then you clearly arent enjoying them much.

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Gonna be in support of limiting, feels quite terrible that if I dont do things I dont enjoy aka play 20 alts I am losing in a lot of rewards and credits.


I play characters because I enjoy them, not because i am forced to because I want the rewards.


Imo weekly CQ should take a lot longer to complete with more and better rewards but it should be limited on one character or better yet maybe make it legacy wide so all can progress for that common goal instead of trying to make people play more characters for the rewards.


And just because we play more than 3 Alts shouldn’t mean we get penalised because you don’t. Some people play swtor specifically for conquest and playing lots of Alts. You don’t like being told how to play anymore than we do.


Credits and XP are already being stripped away. If they are going to limit gearing behind 3 Alts on conquest, then they WILL lose even more players than are already going or on the fence over the other dumb changes to the game.


It would seem that BioWare are not only purging abilities, they want to purge the player base of anyone who doesn’t fit their design plan.


It would help if they were just honest with the type of players they want and tell the rest of us to piss off. At least that’s more honest than dribbling out announcements about changes we all hate or us finding out from third hand on the PTS.

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And just because we play more than 3 Alts shouldn’t mean we get penalised because you don’t..

So you enjoy the current unfair system where you are penalized if you dont CQ on many alts which means you are losing a huge amount of rewards and credits.


To be clear here, I am not talking about 7.0 gearing, I absolutely agree that the gearing method has a problem because not everyone has equal access to max ilvl gear and it is another subject though I see your point.


What i am talking about is how conquest works now, which is giving a huge amount of rewards and credits on more characters you do it on. A person who does not enjoy playing 20 alts per week is losing a vast amount of rewards and credits simply because they dont enjoy that kind of playstyle, and playing on a single main you cant refarm conquest so you get 1 box of rewards while the guy who plays alts gets 20 boxes of rewards even though you might be spending the same amount of time ingame, that is not balanced or fair.


The new system is far more fair because it means, people who play only one main at a time get 1 box of rewards per week, and people with alts get 3 boxes, still an advantage for people over alts, just not disproportionately huge advantage.


And can we stop with the moronic argument that everyone should be forced to play alts to get the conquest rewards? It doesnt matter if it is easy or not, its an activity not everyone enjoys and to lock benefits behind it is wrong, that is why I would prefer a legacy wide conquest with better rewards so everyone gets 1 box of many rewards per week, fair and balanced, you are quite literally arguing that because of your playstyle, you should get more boxes of rewards and that as a concept is wrong because it gives that playstyle unfair advantages. Again, I am not talking about 7.0 gearing since it is an issue, I am focusing on how conquest works now.

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So you enjoy the current unfair system where you are penalized if you dont CQ on many alts which means you are losing a huge amount of rewards and credits.


To be clear here, I am not talking about 7.0 gearing, I absolutely agree that the gearing method has a problem because not everyone has equal access to max ilvl gear and it is another subject though I see your point.


What i am talking about is how conquest works now, which is giving a huge amount of rewards and credits on more characters you do it on. A person who does not enjoy playing 20 alts per week is losing a vast amount of rewards and credits simply because they dont enjoy that kind of playstyle, and playing on a single main you cant refarm conquest so you get 1 box of rewards while the guy who plays alts gets 20 boxes of rewards even though you might be spending the same amount of time ingame, that is not balanced or fair.


The new system is far more fair because it means, people who play only one main at a time get 1 box of rewards per week, and people with alts get 3 boxes, still an advantage for people over alts, just not disproportionately huge advantage.


And can we stop with the moronic argument that everyone should be forced to play alts to get the conquest rewards? It doesnt matter if it is easy or not, its an activity not everyone enjoys and to lock benefits behind it is wrong, that is why I would prefer a legacy wide conquest with better rewards so everyone gets 1 box of many rewards per week, fair and balanced, you are quite literally arguing that because of your playstyle, you should get more boxes of rewards and that as a concept is wrong because it gives that playstyle unfair advantages. Again, I am not talking about 7.0 gearing since it is an issue, I am focusing on how conquest works now.


Stop telling us how to play. You’re as bad as BioWare.

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"For me to win - you must lose"


I could certainly agree with a new CQ rewards for every 50K threshold. Not a problem. Because what YOU spend time doing in a video game concerns me not. Whether you have BIS gear or prefer putzing about in "RP" gear is up to you.


What I vehemently disagree with is the notion of diminishing returns on my time invested.

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Stop telling us how to play. You’re as bad as BioWare.

*Points out how if you dont play a million alts you are losing a lot of rewards and credits aka being punished for simply enjoying one character at a time and not enjoying playing 20 alts at a time*

*Asks for a fair system where everyone gets the SAME AMOUNT of rewards instead of some getting more than others*



What I vehemently disagree with is the notion of diminishing returns on my time invested.

Well if things were to be fair, mains should be able to refarm conquest again and again the same week, so everyone gets 20 boxes of rewards instead of only the people who play 20 alts.

Edited by ralphieceaser
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Points out how if you dont play a million alts you are losing a lot of rewards and credits aka being punished for simply enjoying one character at a time and not enjoying playing 20 alts at a time*


They are investing more time than you. Why shouldn't they be rewarded?

So you are saying whoever spends more time should be rewarded more? Quite a terrible argument but let's go with it.


Because the person might be playing their main character 10 hours a day every day, yet they only receive a single box of rewards unlike the person that likes to play 20 alts.

Edited by ralphieceaser
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*Points out how if you dont play a million alts you are losing a lot of rewards and credits aka being punished for simply enjoying one character at a time and not enjoying playing 20 alts at a time*

*Asks for a fair system where everyone gets the SAME AMOUNT of rewards instead of some getting more than others*




How are you being punished exactly? BioWare are removing the majority of the rewards including credits and XP.

You don’t miss out on anything by allowing players to play the conquest the way they want to gear their characters.


Some people play 1 hour a week and others play 50 hours a week. Should the people who play 50 hours stop getting any rewards in the game because the people who only play 1 hour will miss out? Because that’s the gist of your argument.


You don’t play as many Alts or as long so therefore everyone should be limited to how you play. That sure seems like you are telling us how to play.


You are worried about FOMO. When in fact you won’t miss out on anything if you just play your own way for your own enjoyment and stop fretting over how other people play.

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I dont play 20 characters every day so I can farm conquest and I know I am losing a huge amount of rewards and credits that way, and it is quite absurd for people who do that to have such an advantage..


imo, CQ and GS are the worst sort of "lowest common denominator" "activities" that BW has come up with.


CQ went from being this cool, novel thing, to...like...the lamest "backbone" driving the vast majority of content.


it's this dog and pony show BW came up with to distract players from the complete and utter lack of new content. :(

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So you are saying whoever spends more time should be rewarded more? Quite a terrible argument but let's go with it.


Because the person might be playing their main character 10 hours a day every day, yet they only receive a single box of rewards unlike the person that likes to play 20 alts.


If I send my companions out 100x and you send them out one time, should I not be rewarded more?


If I spend 100 hours on CZ-198, and you spend 10, should I not be rewarded with significantly more reputation?


If I run Spammer Station 100 times, and you run it once, should I not be rewarded with more {WIDGETS} to turn in to tech frags?




MMOs have rewarded time spent, either grinding, or camping from the caveman days of The Realm, and EQ. YOU have chosen to allocate your time to a particular playstyle. That playstyle is not conducive to receiving the same amount of rewards as a person who spends the same amount of time playing more than one character to a particular benchmark.


Your problem is self-inflicted.

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If I send my companions out 100x and you send them out one time, should I not be rewarded more?

Yet you are arguing against that

-Person A plays 70 hours per week and plays 20 alts and gets 20 conquest box rewards

-Person B plays 70 hours per week and plays their main character for the entire week and gets a single conquest box reward


So you are quite literally arguing that one person should get 20 times the rewards even if both spend the same time, you are quite literally saying you want your specific way of playing to have 20 times the rewards.


If you dont see how wrong, unfair and unbalanced this is, there is nothing else to be said.

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And just because we play more than 3 Alts shouldn’t mean we get penalised because you don’t. Some people play swtor specifically for conquest and playing lots of Alts. You don’t like being told how to play anymore than we do.

I think his issue is more about the fact that everything is legacy now, so you do the same trained monkey CQ "thing," and all of those rewards go to your legacy rather than being limited to the character that earned it. most mats have always been tradeable anyway, but tech frags, for example...I can understand being annoyed that a person can do the same CQ objective on 20 different toons and dump all of the rewards on just one of them. I mean...if you're all about fair and equality and all that, this would seem a bit much.


personally, meh. w/e. I blame a stale game for producing "content" that encourages a person to run 10-20 toons through the objectives every day/week.

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Points out how if you dont play a million alts you are losing a lot of rewards and credits aka being punished for simply enjoying one character at a time and not enjoying playing 20 alts at a time*


They are investing more time than you. Why shouldn't they be rewarded?


more characters. not more time.

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I think his issue is more about the fact that everything is legacy now, so you do the same trained monkey CQ "thing," and all of those rewards go to your legacy rather than being limited to the character that earned it. most mats have always been tradeable anyway, but tech frags, for example...I can understand being annoyed that a person can do the same CQ objective on 20 different toons and dump all of the rewards on just one of them. I mean...if you're all about fair and equality and all that, this would seem a bit much.


personally, meh. w/e. I blame a stale game for producing "content" that encourages a person to run 10-20 toons through the objectives every day/week.


But what rewards are we talking about. We are already losing all credits and XP from conquest and I won’t at all be surprised to learn techfrags are nerfed when the time comes.


His beef is someone might be able to gear up faster than him. But Ops guys will be able to do that anyway. And people playing now can spam hammer station on one character to gear up.


He also seems to be a pvper, so I’m not sure why he’s even concerned about conquest gearing. Wouldn’t it be faster to just spam pvp to gear up?


Or better yet, spam every type of content on one character and he’d be geared up faster than people playing conquest on 20 Alts.

Edited by TrixxieTriss
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more characters. not more time.


Point taken. Then the obvious compromise would be legacy-wide CQ, where for every {X} thousand CQ points earned, you get a {REWARD}.


There would have to be some internal accounting on EA's end, so that CQ earned in one guild is guild specific and not applied to all guilds a player has joined.

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