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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Hopefully Bioware ignores the Pvp forums.


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They monitor the forums, and farm them for ideas, but when it comes to balance, they use metrics to check balance, not these forums, so all the nerf x class threads are being ignored.


Oh, how I hope you are right. Where have you read this just out of interest?

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They are so full of distortions, misinformation, and anecdotle garbage that they are really only good for lulz when you're at work on your iPhone.


I don't think it matters if they read it or not. What DOES matter is whether they have the BRAINS and CRITICAL THINKING capacity.


If they're not blind, deaf and dumb, they can actually get some interesting points from all the whine and cheese. But if they do their balancing based on a gut-feeling knee-jerk like Blizzard does, we're screwed whether they read this stuff or not.

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