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Weekly missions aren't an issue. Nerfing them is misguided. Here is why


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TLDR Weekly missions increase amount of conquest guilds earn, but they do not really increase amount of characters a single person has at conquest target. Thus, they do not greatly increase amount of credits generated via conquest. Making weeklies worse doesn't help with anything inflation-related and only annoys people.


For those unsure what's up, BW been talking about making half finished weeklies reset their progress each Tuesday. There has also been talk of having weeklies phase in and out, when it comes to which reward conquest. These are both wretched and needless ideas.


Supposedly reasoning behind these nerfs has to do with BWs desire to reduce massive amount of credits conquest generates to the world.


Pretty much all weeklies offer a generous haul of conquest. However, all of it is "dumb conquest", you can't distribute conq from a completed weekly evenly across your legacy. By the time typical player completes their [weekly], it gives them, what, 100k conquest on top of ..say, 40k they already had. So they end up sitting on 140k conquest. This isn't any more rewarding, in terms of credits etc, than sitting on 50k conquest. In practice, it won't result in this player reaching conquest target on many more characters than they would have without the weekly.


Some objectives are " smart conquest". Planetary grind for example- If touring planetaries, you can with extremely high precision distribute conq haul you get quite evenly across all of your legacy. Reach target, log out, switch alts,repeat. If you earn like 220k conquest via doing planetary missions, you can quite easily distribute it so four of your chars each have bit over 50k. That's 4 x chars at conq target and 4x the rewards. Meanwhile, completing that weekly offer sa generous haul of conq, but it is always dumped on one single character. Maybe your character gets close to 200k from that single mission. It results in one of your chars having 240k conq or something. Guild of that person is grateful..but it generates no extra rewards, credits etc for player or guild.


TLDR on live servers, weekly missions increase amount of conquest guilds earn, but they do not increase amount of credits generated. Neither individuals nor guilds earn that much more rewards than they would without weeklies. Therefore, nerfing weeklies is pointless and won't help with inflation. It'd only annoy people beyond layers having to do with conquest. Notion of 10 pvp wins within 1 week is something miserable for most.



Maybe some people play around by "banking" nearly completed weekly for next week. They complete 9 pvp wins on on week 1 and finish on 2nd week. So what? That's them finishing one weekly in two weeks on that character. They've managed 10 wins, it is certainly earned. Where is the harm? Of course, it gives guilds opportunity to organize and plan some small advantage with conquest in mind. Again, so what? Guilds having opportuinities to organize and plan some small advantage with conquest in mind is a..bad thing somehow?

Edited by Stradlin
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