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So how exactly does roleplay work in TOR?


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Bro's got a point. Usually, General is OOC or, rarely, nonsensical RP, on Shien. After all, we need something to keep us entertained while we quest. It get's lonely on Hoth :(


yes it needs it's own chat channel just like the others, whats what i'm trying to get at lol


But how will that work? in SWG emotes works by certain areas we were roleplaying in, not the entire planet to hear, and that's how it should work in TOR.

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This is why /say and /emote are the roleplaying "channels." For the most part, RP happens in a localized area, within 30m of you, let's say.


Any kind of global channel isn't appropriate. Think of what it's like to hear every conversation in your city at the same time. That's what RPing on /1 would be akin to.


If you want more privacy, then perhaps take it to /t or create a channel.


Is it possible to create an ad hoc channel for RP?

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yes it needs it's own chat channel just like the others, whats what i'm trying to get at lol




Those other people aren't there with you where their characters could hear, see, and interact with your character, so why would you be role playing anywhere other than the spatial channels (/say and emotes and sometimes shout)?


But how will that work? in SWG emotes works by certain areas we were roleplaying in, not the entire planet to hear, and that's how it should work in TOR.


I'm seriously not following this. How or why would an entire planet hear you shrug or sit down or lift a drink or lean against a wall?

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This is why /say and /emote are the roleplaying "channels." For the most part, RP happens in a localized area, within 30m of you, let's say.


Any kind of global channel isn't appropriate. Think of what it's like to hear every conversation in your city at the same time. That's what RPing on /1 would be akin to.


If you want more privacy, then perhaps take it to /t or create a channel.


Is it possible to create an ad hoc channel for RP?


There is an RP channel (a custom channel created by someone). Just type /cjoin RP.


You can create your own channels for private groups. I can imagine that some guilds might want an IC channel as well as a general OOC chat channel for their guild.


Here are some instructions for working with chat channels (courtesy of Cach of Acolytes - thank you).


Below is the list of commands for the chat channels and how to get to them, add mods, admins, passwords, etc. Useful not only for the RP community but for the community in general:


/create [channelname] [password]- Create an Channel and an optional password

/cjoin [channelname] [password] - Join an already made channel also including a password if needed

/cleave [channelname] [password] - Leave a custom channel also including a password if needed

/lock [channelname] - Allow only invited players to join the channel

/unlock [channelname] - Allow all players to join the custom channel

/cinvite [channelname] [player] - Invite someone to the custom channel

/password [channelname] [password] - Set a password for the channel

/password [channelname] - Clear a password from a channel

/ckick [channelname] [player] - Kick a player from the channel

/ban [channelname] [player] - Ban a player from the channel

/unban [channelname] [player] - Unban a player from a channel

/mod [channelname] [player] - Give a player the moderator status in the channel

/unmod [channelname] [player] - Remove mod status from a player

/mute [channelname] [player] - Remove the ability to send messages on the channel

/unmute [channelname] [player] - Grant the ability to send messages on the channel

/moderate [channelname] - Set the custom channel to only let moderators speak

/unmoderate [channelname]- Set the custom channel to let anyone speak

/channellist - List all custom channels you are on

/list [channelname] - List the players on the custom channel

Edited by Sendra
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