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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

What is everyone complaining about?


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I think pvp is awesome in this game. Yea hutball is not great, but I'll play it and try to have some fun.


1. There are no addon alerts to tell you when someone is healing, or has their CC ready, or when CC will drop off. Its just you and your awareness and skill.


2. XP, Money, and rewards are awesome.


3. I love the fact the que times are low, having everyone pvp together is awesome. (give it a few weeks and everyone will be 50 and pvp at that lvl.) That last bit is for those "WE NEED BRACKEST!!! LVL 30-49 OR BUST LOL!!!"

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People complain becaue huttball does not reward killing with victory. Huttball is good at pointing out to a player yes you are terrible, and incompetent and people don't like to hear that. I have seen so many times where someone will get the ball and instead of passing it down feild for an easy score they try to truck it the whole way, on their own, then complain when they get shoved off the scafolding. Bad player is bad dumb player is dumb, and they both like to complain instead of looking at the situation and realizing they were doing it wrong.
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Huttball is an amazing concept and map layout. It's the people who play it who are making it a bad time, they just need to learn. People aren't used to things like positioning for a pass or passing at all for that matter.


Every class has something to bring to Huttball. Charge, AoE Knockback, AoE Stun. You'll have one of those to play with.

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On my server huttball is great. Unless it's a premade (not that common when I PVP primarily) it's really close games. Republic has really started to learn how to pass a lot. When both teams pass a lot it can be an amazing game.


Huttball was MADE for premade vs premade exciting matches. I can't wait.

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I think pvp is awesome in this game. Yea hutball is not great, but I'll play it and try to have some fun.


1. There are no addon alerts to tell you when someone is healing, or has their CC ready, or when CC will drop off. Its just you and your awareness and skill.


2. XP, Money, and rewards are awesome.


3. I love the fact the que times are low, having everyone pvp together is awesome. (give it a few weeks and everyone will be 50 and pvp at that lvl.) That last bit is for those "WE NEED BRACKEST!!! LVL 30-49 OR BUST LOL!!!"


People complain for the sake of complaining, no matter how much they are given for free or how easy it is, they will find something to complain about.


Typically its equal to a teenager from a rich family who was given everything growing up believes his/her parents are Nazis because they asked him/her to get a part-time summer Job, so he/she will be out of the house for a few hours.


People today are just spoiled is all, they feel obligated to be rewarded something for nothing, and will complain.

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I mostly complain about poor matchmaking. One team having nobody ABOVE level 25, and the other team having nobody BELOW 35 matches should NOT happen. I don't care if it's premade or what. It's just not fair to EITHER team - the lowbies get stomped and stop queuing, and the high levels get no joy or challenge (unless they're raving psychos who like to beat up 4-year-olds).
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  • 2 months later...

Let me share with you my awesome pvp experiences of today!


My main is rep and i log to do may daylies!cv:going on left turret at start,capping and spend the whole game there without any sign of imps!nvm i m happy first win


Second game voidstar!getting into an already started wz and while i m flying in defence imps opening the first door!getting locked, second door beeing planted by the time i get out of the very first base!long story short i spend the whole first round just by engaging imps in last door after they planted!3,5 min attack for some fun


Third game see n1


A frustrating loose in cw in whitch we alterated at least 15 ppl in team


A super fast 6-0 win in huttball with messages for wz shuttdown almost the whole game!At this point i just go in illum to finish the armaments one since i cant handle the ammount of adrenaline from my exciting wz experiences of the day!


Tbh i would prefer if wz's would be just rush in ,whoevers kill the enemy team wins than these prehistoric abomination systems(apart from huttball,but in 50's its almost 90% a fast win or loose situation)

Edited by tsupra
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I think pvp is awesome in this game. Yea hutball is not great, but I'll play it and try to have some fun.


1. There are no addon alerts to tell you when someone is healing, or has their CC ready, or when CC will drop off. Its just you and your awareness and skill.


2. XP, Money, and rewards are awesome.


3. I love the fact the que times are low, having everyone pvp together is awesome. (give it a few weeks and everyone will be 50 and pvp at that lvl.) That last bit is for those "WE NEED BRACKEST!!! LVL 30-49 OR BUST LOL!!!"


This is a forum , people complain , go find yourself something to complain about if you dont have nothing.

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Republic faction (at least on my server) starts 3 men down 90% of the time. This is UNACCEPTABLE and a horrendously stupid design decision. FILL THE GROUP BEFORE THE WARZONE STARTS.


Join a voidstar defending and you get to speeder around like an idiot while the other team happily caps your door. Another incompetent design decision.

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Level 10-49 Warzones are the most fun I've ever had with PvP. I never bothered with Ilum but from all the complaining I've seen on the forums I'm glad they are abandoning it for now. I didn't get a lot play time at level 50 pvp before rerolling to join some friends, but the more they can do to squash the gear difference the better.


Right now, Warzones are the best part of the game and I hope Bioware keeps up the good work on them. I'm not really sure how the ranked warzones will play out, but if it keeps full bm geared level 50 premades from roflstoming people in random level 50 warzones, I'll be happy.

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Huttball is an amazing concept and map layout. It's the people who play it who are making it a bad time, they just need to learn. People aren't used to things like positioning for a pass or passing at all for that matter.


Every class has something to bring to Huttball. Charge, AoE Knockback, AoE Stun. You'll have one of those to play with.


I like huttball, but only when random chance puts me on a team with competent players. It's designed purely for premades and if you're not in a premade it's either semi fun or the worst experience ever in an mmo.


Also I agree about the class, except for scoundrel/operative AC's. They're wasted space.

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