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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Fallen Empire Expansion is so awesome!


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I just started this tonight and OH WOW, it's absolutely amazing!! Holy crap is all I can say. I'm on Chapter 4 and this is the most interactive experience I've had in a long time. I love the cinematics and the way they seamlessly blend in with the game.


10/10 release. So damn good!

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Glad you like it. I find it a fantastic epic story. Your choices do matter, but I won't spoil it for you. Particular events happen or don't happen or done differently because of your choices. The fun part, if you had played all eight character stories, is watching your Companions from different classes interact with each other.


There are people who didn't like Fallen Empire. One major reason is it's only this one story. Unlike 8 different stories for all the classes, regardless of which class you play you will only have this story. The only variety you get playing again with different classes is to make different choices. However, enjoy your first playthrough! It is quite an experience.

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The story itself is quite good. The main thing is how it all fits into swtor so far, thats a whole different story. Overall its not the best of sollutions, but as players we dont have much of a choice, you either like it and stay or you leave.


The game had the original class stories which were mostly great and players expected some expansions on this yet that would have been too much work so we got just one path later on. Nevertheless its indeed well done and one can enjoy the story quite well.

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  • 5 months later...
I'm playing through it on my 4th character and love it! Best expansion ever. I was hoping 7.0 would be the same thing butit seems not. :( I'm very disappointed that we didn't get an actual expansion as opposed to a glorified patch.
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I'm playing through it on my 4th character and love it! Best expansion ever. I was hoping 7.0 would be the same thing butit seems not. :( I'm very disappointed that we didn't get an actual expansion as opposed to a glorified patch.


I loved kotet and kotfe. It's my most favorite content in swtor. Really loved all the characters in these expansions as well. Big ++ to theran, lana and arcann. They made me forget all about my old companions and don't regret it one bit. For me kotfe was a new life and new beginning for my characters. My biggest regret is they didn't continue on with more kotfe and never should have implemented kill options on main characters. I didn't kill anyone on any of my characters. You miss out if you do.

Edited by Darthmoriquendi
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