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The new loot System is hot Garbage and needs to be reverted


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Before we could Need/Greed/Pass and be done with loot as we went, now we need to stop all the time to figure out what dropped (the list of dropped loot also isn't accurate).


BioWare, instead of addressing an issue, has instead decided to make more work for its customers. In over 20 years of playing MMOs this is the worst design decision I have ever seen made or experienced.


I wish the development team on this game would think more than two seconds on the negative effects of their terrible decisions before deciding to make changes to the core functions of the game.

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The assigned loot isn't the problem, at least not for my raiding groups. The information of what was dropped being cluttered by every stupid mod and hilt everyone gets is what makes the new system useless.

As it is, the system feedback chat channel that tracks the loot of the whole group visibly for everyone is the same that among other things tracks the alerts of who joins or leaves any custom made channels, which happens with every change of zone a player using that channel does.

So on a character that for example has a channel like /allies active that looks like:

Groupmember A got generic hilt

Character XYZ somewhere on the server left /allies

Groupmember A got generic mod

Character yxz somewhere on the server joined /allies

Groupmember A got generic armor piece

Character XZA somewhere on the server left /allies

Character YZA somewhere on the server left /allies

Character XYZ somewhere on the server joined /allies

Groupmamber A got generic weapon

Character yiu somewhere on the server joined /allies

Character ras somewhere on the server joined /allies

Character bhg somewhere on the server joined /allies

Groupmember A got material bag

Character ihr somewhere on the server joined /allies

Character dft somewhere on the server left /allies

Character kiu somewhere on the server left /allies

Groupmember B got generic mod

Character XZA somewhere on the server joined /allies

Character XYZ somewhere on the server joined /allies

Groupmember B got Tactical item

Character LId somewhere on the server joined /allies

Character Ouf somewhere on the server joined /allies

Character Ebt somewhere on the server joined /allies

and so on and so on.


A ton of uninteresting entries running through in seconds and you are supposed to spot the one entry that is potentially relevant to you.

Because sure, you can see in your own inventory what you got (OEM go directly into Materials by the way, so you'd have to check that too), but maybe the interesting item did not drop for you but someone else? You might want to ask them if they need it or might want to trade?

Of course in a group with voice chat you can ask if anyone got something interesting but that still takes way more time than before and often enough the longer an operation goes, the more stuff the players have in their inventory and either overlook something or maybe destroy or turn all they have into fragments without looking (especially players who are fully geared and used to pass on stuff).

Of course you also could leave any heavily frequented custom made channel every time you enter an operation, but the system feedback chat channel still does display more than just the loot and it still lists 5-8 or even more entries per player, most of them not relevant at all.


So since the experience with changes like this in SWTOR, this new system of assigned loot is going to stay, I'd still prefer to roll for stuff, but so be it.

But please, at least make it easier to see who got what by taking loot information out of the system feedback channel into its own channel and/or maybe only display the important pieces that previously were rolled for. Then people can just set up an extra tab for the loot channel and look things up there to trade or roll stuff out among themselves if they want.

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