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Skipping SoR into KOTFE?


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I’ve played the entire storyline a bunch of times, but I was wondering if skipping Shadow of Revan changes anything in KotFE+? I usually skip Hutt Cartel because Im not a huge fan of it but it doesn’t have much to do with the rest of the story going forward, but I’ve never skipped Shadow of Revan. I just did it with another character and changed my mind to continue the story forward with a different character, but I don’t know if I would have to repeat it to get the same consistency for character dialogue (specifically romancing Lana). So if I go straight into KotFE does the story play out as if the character completed Revan off-screen, or are there any dialogue changes?
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There's no difference except it makes less sense why Lana would free you or Theron join your alliance. You go from being someone they have a lot of history with to someone they vaguely know of but haven't previously interacted with. That uncertainty only lasts for the initial convos though, after that they treat you exactly the same, including romances. If you romanced Lana/ Theron during SoR, AFAIK, there's no connection to their romances in kotfe.


I think this applies to Jakarro and C2D4 too, who you don't see again until Onderon. I have taken all 8 classes through endgame, with 3 classes who were outlander tokens that skipped SoR, but there's no real difference in how any of the characters from SoR treat you. Keep in mind that the whole point of the outlander tokens was to jump right into endgame, so it wouldn't make sense for BW to incentivize playing the story normally.

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