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Athiss "Shortcut"


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I wanted to make a suggestion regarding this "shortcut" in the Athiss flashpoint.



While I cannot say with absolute certainty that this was not intended as a shortcut by the environmental artists of the game; I can say with confidence that every single time I have landed an Athiss via Group Finder, it has caused a problem for at least one member of the group.


Athiss is a very early-game flashpoint, accessible before a character is even level 20. As such, it is reasonable to assume that many players accessing this content are either new or at least inexperienced.


If a player refuses to exploit the terrain or actually repeatedly tries and fails to do so, they often face ridicule and are even actively removed from the group. Today, I saw this happen with a level 17 player and the consensus of the other group members was that if a player wishes to level, they should "stick to Story Mode flashpoints."


While I can't expect the development team to prevent the toxic behaviour of individual players, I hope that I could perhaps open the door to two potential solutions to this problem:


1. If this should be considered a valid shortcut, please consider making an adjustment that would make this jump easier to accomplish without players


2. Consider removing the ability to do this at all.


Thank you for taking the time to read my suggestion. :)

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I remember when I didn't know how to do it the group explained this to me and waited for me to try a few times, and this is how I do when someone is new to this. To be honest, I really like the "bouncing off the edge" part of it, the only problem with it is the glitch that makes you use your /stuck when you go straight at the cornice and not at the pilaster, with that fixed, it won't be so annoying.
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