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Merc 7.0


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If you having problems countering mercs dcds, u doing something wrong. Their dcds are pretty easy to counter. The only reason they survive so much is bcos theres always someone attacking em brainlesly. Just stop attacking em when they use their reflect.Stun and/or kit if u have too. Keep in mind you can Apply dots and use aoe on em and they wont reflect nor cure themselves.

So this the best dcd they have. The other shield is just good, but nothing that special. Same thing,stop attacking when they pop or,if u feel like u can outdmg their defense,just try to burst em pretty fast.

The kolto overload is pretty good but hás a big CD,so well...

I personaly think there are classes with way better dcd than merc. Wanna talk about op dcds? Lets talk about skank juggs and concealment ops. They have the most overpowered dcds in this game. And the dmg a operative can do is way higher than the one mercs can.

So, no,mercs dont need to get nerfed cos they already got nerfed previous patches and now they are very balanced imo.

Lets focus on the real op classes right now such as pt (a unstopable killinh machine if they have either heals or guard,or both),operatives with their insane burst,survivability and mobility all at once and the immortal skank jugg with insane dps for a tank and..well, if they have half a brain working,they are nearly unkillable.

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If you having problems countering mercs dcds, u doing something wrong. Their dcds are pretty easy to counter. The only reason they survive so much is bcos theres always someone attacking em brainlesly. Just stop attacking em when they use their reflect.Stun and/or kit if u have too. Keep in mind you can Apply dots and use aoe on em and they wont reflect nor cure themselves.

So this the best dcd they have. The other shield is just good, but nothing that special. Same thing,stop attacking when they pop or,if u feel like u can outdmg their defense,just try to burst em pretty fast.

The kolto overload is pretty good but hás a big CD,so well...

I personaly think there are classes with way better dcd than merc. Wanna talk about op dcds? Lets talk about skank juggs and concealment ops. They have the most overpowered dcds in this game. And the dmg a operative can do is way higher than the one mercs can.

So, no,mercs dont need to get nerfed cos they already got nerfed previous patches and now they are very balanced imo.

Lets focus on the real op classes right now such as pt (a unstopable killinh machine if they have either heals or guard,or both),operatives with their insane burst,survivability and mobility all at once and the immortal skank jugg with insane dps for a tank and..well, if they have half a brain working,they are nearly unkillable.


Anyone with half a brain can kill a spank tank jugg. Just dont attack when FD is up like with reflect on mando ez pz do it everyday. If you lose to a spank tank then you are trash lol.

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Anyone with half a brain can kill a spank tank jugg. Just dont attack when FD is up like with reflect on mando ez pz do it everyday. If you lose to a spank tank then you are trash lol.


Not entirely true. Again,if the tank have half a brain functioning( like me playing this class:p),they just need to kite, throw themselves in any aoe or anything dealing dmg and done. And ye,they cant have dots either,cos dots heal em too,which is completely different from mercs dcd.And I'm not even talking about all the good cc and the insane dmg for a tank class.

But I never said I cant kill em 1v1. Most of the time I can. It happens that they are almost never alone,ofc.

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If you having problems countering mercs dcds, u doing something wrong. Their dcds are pretty easy to counter. The only reason they survive so much is bcos theres always someone attacking em brainlesly. Just stop attacking em when they use their reflect.Stun and/or kit if u have too. Keep in mind you can Apply dots and use aoe on em and they wont reflect nor cure themselves.

So this the best dcd they have. The other shield is just good, but nothing that special. Same thing,stop attacking when they pop or,if u feel like u can outdmg their defense,just try to burst em pretty fast.

The kolto overload is pretty good but hás a big CD,so well...

I personaly think there are classes with way better dcd than merc. Wanna talk about op dcds? Lets talk about skank juggs and concealment ops. They have the most overpowered dcds in this game. And the dmg a operative can do is way higher than the one mercs can.

So, no,mercs dont need to get nerfed cos they already got nerfed previous patches and now they are very balanced imo.

Lets focus on the real op classes right now such as pt (a unstopable killinh machine if they have either heals or guard,or both),operatives with their insane burst,survivability and mobility all at once and the immortal skank jugg with insane dps for a tank and..well, if they have half a brain working,they are nearly unkillable.


Yeah no sht dude. I eat trash mercs for breakfast. The amount of trash mercs who pop bubble and reflect at the same time in a 1v1 because I cc them or hit them once is astounding. The problem is like you said normies just keep wailing on them allowing even the worst of mercs to stay in the fight. I am just forward to seeing them all revealed for what they are once they start losing DCD's and die like everyone else regardless of skill. Playing Mara like if I don't have a healer I have to be sweaty; in regs is stupid. Why do I have to sweat to stay alive when potatoes can roll their faces across their keyboard and just heal to full 3 times?

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  • 1 month later...
Yeah no sht dude. I eat trash mercs for breakfast. The amount of trash mercs who pop bubble and reflect at the same time in a 1v1 because I cc them or hit them once is astounding. The problem is like you said normies just keep wailing on them allowing even the worst of mercs to stay in the fight. I am just forward to seeing them all revealed for what they are once they start losing DCD's and die like everyone else regardless of skill. Playing Mara like if I don't have a healer I have to be sweaty; in regs is stupid. Why do I have to sweat to stay alive when potatoes can roll their faces across their keyboard and just heal to full 3 times?


You have a point. But playing a mara,ull be able to put up much better dps numbers than mercs,so they cant have so much survivability otherwise they would be gods. Mercs currently have one of the worst dps output in pvp,if u compare to other classes. Its def the worst ranged whe it comes to dps numbers. Im talking about ppl at same lvl of gear and skills ofc,cos a good merc can do better dmg than a bad sniper,for example. But when u compare a good sniper to a good merc,the sniper will get way better dps numbers,most of the times.I personaly think they are fine as they are.Their dcds are good,but nothing outstanding,and rhe merc needs to know how to use em which 95% of the mercs I see pvping dont. And ,ye,maras def need a buff,which they seem to be getting soon with the 7.0 patch. I think maras and juggs dps are the only classes/specs that deserves a buff. And concealment ops and jugg tank are the only classes/specs that deserves a nerf. But thats my opinion,ofc. 🙂

Edited by DougTheNoob
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If you having problems countering mercs dcds, u doing something wrong. Their dcds are pretty easy to counter. The only reason they survive so much is bcos theres always someone attacking em brainlesly. Just stop attacking em when they use their reflect.Stun and/or kit if u have too. Keep in mind you can Apply dots and use aoe on em and they wont reflect nor cure themselves.

So this the best dcd they have. The other shield is just good, but nothing that special. Same thing,stop attacking when they pop or,if u feel like u can outdmg their defense,just try to burst em pretty fast.

The kolto overload is pretty good but hás a big CD,so well...

I personaly think there are classes with way better dcd than merc. Wanna talk about op dcds? Lets talk about skank juggs and concealment ops. They have the most overpowered dcds in this game. And the dmg a operative can do is way higher than the one mercs can.

So, no,mercs dont need to get nerfed cos they already got nerfed previous patches and now they are very balanced imo.

Lets focus on the real op classes right now such as pt (a unstopable killinh machine if they have either heals or guard,or both),operatives with their insane burst,survivability and mobility all at once and the immortal skank jugg with insane dps for a tank and..well, if they have half a brain working,they are nearly unkillable.


This. 100% this.

The entire point of DCDs is knowing how to counter them, when to attack, when to not, and what to do.

You want to take some away, great, get ready for heatseeker that hit like a nuke cause without the DCDs we need a large damage buff.

So as someone else pointed out, be careful what you ask for, or just, learn the game better.

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Yeah no sht dude. I eat trash mercs for breakfast. The amount of trash mercs who pop bubble and reflect at the same time in a 1v1 because I cc them or hit them once is astounding. The problem is like you said normies just keep wailing on them allowing even the worst of mercs to stay in the fight. I am just forward to seeing them all revealed for what they are once they start losing DCD's and die like everyone else regardless of skill. Playing Mara like if I don't have a healer I have to be sweaty; in regs is stupid. Why do I have to sweat to stay alive when potatoes can roll their faces across their keyboard and just heal to full 3 times?


The devs play mercs / snipers man, they're not going to nerf those classes in any meaningful way.


Merc DCDs in 5.xx were far too strong for the damage output of all classes at the time. In 6.xx this wasn't as much of a problem since the majority of the classes got a damage boost. You just have to learn how to play around them. Which is exactly the point of your post I imagine. The "having to play around them" part.


The guaranteed damage free uptime is a little much, but only slightly. If responsive safeguards only reduced single target attacks by a percentage instead of outright negation it would be better balanced. This would also justify mercs electronet in its current form, blazing bolts slow, and double rocket out.


With that being said merc damage is mid tier at best. I'd rather them be a little too tanky than too bursty. Ranged burst is the absolute worst as a melee player. Good snipers / lightning sorcs can just about global you right now. Bioware balancing ranged vs melee damage based on potential time on target would be a good place for them to start, but we'll never see it. We'd sooner see them balance Operatives.


I'd bet my paycheck that the level 70 choice for mercs will never be Energy Shield / Kolto Overload, Responsive Safeguards, Rocket out. You're dreaming if you think they'd ever consider that.

Edited by Dyne-
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With that being said merc damage is mid tier at best. I'd rather them be a little too tanky than too bursty. Ranged burst is the absolute worst as a melee player. Good snipers / lightning sorcs can just about global you right now. Bioware balancing ranged vs melee damage based on potential time on target would be a good place for them to start, but we'll never see it. We'd sooner see them balance Operatives.


was gonna say....merc is clearly the easiest ranged class to play b/c their cds work in almost any situation for the average joe, but...they're also the least dangerous of the three ranged classes. albeit, maxing out a sniper is considerably harder than doing so on a merc.


edit: having spent a good deal of time on deception and fury at this point, I do not have a problem with roots/snares. both specs are highly mobile and can escape/chase effectively.


what I find absolutely obnoxious is how often combat stealth doesn't work on the sin. I will stealth out. get out of combat. cross half the WZ. unstealth. and still be in combat.


that's before even mentioning how absurd it is that the lethality op or dot sniper that I killed (an hour ago?) has respawned and crossed half to the WZ to reach me while the dot he put on me before he died is still there, so I cannot restealth. honestly, WTH? stealth is more useful on a frickin mara than a sin. :mad:

Edited by CheesyEZ
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was gonna say....merc is clearly the easiest ranged class to play b/c their cds work in almost any situation for the average joe, but...they're also the least dangerous of the three ranged classes. albeit, maxing out a sniper is considerably harder than doing so on a merc.


edit: having spent a good deal of time on deception and fury at this point, I do not have a problem with roots/snares. both specs are highly mobile and can escape/chase effectively.


what I find absolutely obnoxious is how often combat stealth doesn't work on the sin. I will stealth out. get out of combat. cross half the WZ. unstealth. and still be in combat.


that's before even mentioning how absurd it is that the lethality op or dot sniper that I killed (an hour ago?) has respawned and crossed half to the WZ to reach me while the dot he put on me before he died is still there, so I cannot restealth. honestly, WTH? stealth is more useful on a frickin mara than a sin. :mad:


I agree 100%. Theres sooo many noob mercs playing pvp now. The arsenal spec is very noob friendly,so its expected. I play IO with my merc and its not just stronger,but harder to master. I personaly find sorc lightning a noob friendly spec too. And they are much more dangerous than mercs cos they can do alot of dmg,even when they are kinda bad. Merc has the worst dmg compared to the other 2 ranged classes. Hardest one imo is sniper engineering, but its sooo cool.


I agree 100% again about the sin issue. And yea,mara stealth seem to work way better than the one of the sins imo. They are pretty annoying disapearing so many times too. 😅

Edited by DougTheNoob
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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 4 weeks later...
So, who's excited for merc to not lose any DCDs in 7.0?


I am! Cos mercs gonna lose other important skills,so eveything going to be balanced, probably. I mean,if u want us to lose dcd, we need more dps like the other classes with less dcds than us. Conplaining about mercs dcds is like complaining about sorcs mobility and stealthers invisibility. Plus ,like said b4 ,if anyone having problems to counter mercs dcds,they are playing wrong. Mercs dcds are very simple to counter. The 2 shields are useless agains dots and aoe,which every class have. So use em instead of complaing about something so simple. Wanna talk about the dcds that should be nerfed and wont in next patch? Lets talk about concealmente operative dcds,where they are immune to any dmg to a period of time which thwy can have every 8 secs. Im not talking about a decrease of dmg,Im talking about immunity,and THATS op,not mercs dcd! It takes skills to play merc and use its dcds at the right time,which 95%of the mercs dont do,and thats why they fail. But its not mercs fault if ppl keep hitting em brainlessly when its regs pvp.

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