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Sudden motion blur effect in graphics


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I left my game to idle for a couple hours to go to a doctor's appointment. When I came back, everything on my screen had a slight motion blur effect on it where there was none before, and it's driving me nuts. I hate motion blur. It happens not just in the game, but also when I'm typing or scrolling through a web page. At first I thought the graphics card had overheated, but I've seen what happens when the GPU overheats before: everything runs slower and the screen flickers. That's not the case here. I've tried restarting the game, the computer, tweaking the v-sync, resolution, bloom, frame rate, and anti-aliasing in both the game settings and NVIDIA GeForce Experience settings (my cards is a GeForce GTX 970)., switching from fullscreen windowed to fullscreen and back, and reverting to a previous version of the graphics card driver. Nothing has fixed this. It hurts my eyes to watch something with motion. I really hope I don't have to take my computer to the shop for this.
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