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Everything posted by SneakeySith

  1. Ha! It worked! I feel so stupid for not trying that sooner. Thanks!
  2. I left my game to idle for a couple hours to go to a doctor's appointment. When I came back, everything on my screen had a slight motion blur effect on it where there was none before, and it's driving me nuts. I hate motion blur. It happens not just in the game, but also when I'm typing or scrolling through a web page. At first I thought the graphics card had overheated, but I've seen what happens when the GPU overheats before: everything runs slower and the screen flickers. That's not the case here. I've tried restarting the game, the computer, tweaking the v-sync, resolution, bloom, frame rate, and anti-aliasing in both the game settings and NVIDIA GeForce Experience settings (my cards is a GeForce GTX 970)., switching from fullscreen windowed to fullscreen and back, and reverting to a previous version of the graphics card driver. Nothing has fixed this. It hurts my eyes to watch something with motion. I really hope I don't have to take my computer to the shop for this.
  3. The only change I have even a shred of a qualm with is the fact that weapons will no longer have an impact on our companions' combat effectiveness. Although I feel it kind of contradicts the increased role companions are going to have in the next expansion by taking away all of the effort needed to make them effective, I can understand how simplifying the way we keep them up to par with our level--by making it automatic--will allow us to focus more on companion interactions. It's hard to argue with something that will make gameplay easier for me, so I welcome this change, even if I'm slightly reluctant to do so; plus, we can still change the cosmetic appearance of our companions and play dress-up with them! Still, I think that perhaps you could have compromised--particularly with those gamers who like putting time and effort into making their game experience challenging and thus more rewarding--by at least keeping the need to find, craft, or customize a decent weapon(s) for your companion. Since they can't use their new and improved abilities without weapons, wouldn't it make sense to require them to have weapons appropriately leveled & tailored to their specific combat skill set?
  4. One thing this game is missing that others have is a chat channel devoted to advice seeking and general gameplay questions. With the fast rate of text being posted in general chat, at least on the fleet, it makes it difficult to get your question out there in-game for people to answer. Not only that, but you also often get snarky, smart-*** answers that don't help you at all. With the addition of an advice channel, players could finally have some digital space set aside for asking others for help or advice as they go about conquering the galaxy! Who else wants to see this added to the game?
  5. I would love to see this game have voice chat enabled for use in groups and operation groups, and I'm quite positive I'm not the only one who wants to see this! In LOTRO, it made group questing and raiding go over much smoother with better communication and coordination. Also makes explaining boss fights go much quicker for everyone. Please add this to the game so we don't have to go through the trouble of finding a third party voice chat service!
  6. Actually, I find tanking to be the easiest. It's a type I've played a lot, I don't die easily, and all I need to do is kite, taunt, and aoe taunt.
  7. I was born with a handicap that inhibits my ability to be aware of my surroundings as one of its symptoms, including in games. When I'm playing solo, it doesn't affect me much. But when I'm in groups, with so many things going on at once, my cognition gets stretched and I end up dying or getting others killed because I wasn't able to focus on their needs, the boss and add attacks, environmental hazards, and my own health all at once. I've been harshly scolded for my perceived "stupidity" or "noobish behaviour" on several occasions, and it's very depressing as well as unfair. Does nobody really want to play with a disabled person? Is genetics not a valid excuse for inhibited performance? I'm just as capable as everyone else and have been a valuable asset plenty of times. All I need is a little help and understanding from my teammates, as well as patience.
  8. Makeb has been out for about 3 months now, and I'd like to know what's in store in the near future.
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