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Training and Qualifications to be the Commander


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I've been thinking about the in-character training we are shown that occurs (particularly for the Jedi class on the Republic side on Tython), after which our characters are stated to be "qualified to lead Republic troops in battle".


All of this is shown to be personal combat.

There is nothing shown about leadership, psychology in group dynamics, knowing how to put together logistical support, commanding a GROUP assault, military tactics or such.


I am assuming the Trooper receives some sort of unseen on the screen as most military training, at least in military academies for officer training, include such in their curriculum, although the trooper too starts out as a sergeant (not an officer), and so might not have received such.

The smuggler would not have received any such in-character training, or at least is not shown as having any.

So WHAT exactly qualifies these individuals to be the commander of the eternal alliance?

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I am assuming the Trooper receives some sort of unseen on the screen as most military training, at least in military academies for officer training, include such in their curriculum, although the trooper too starts out as a sergeant (not an officer), and so might not have received such.

There's an implication here that the distinction between *commissioned* officers (Lt and above) and non-commissioned officers (various flavours of sergeants(1)) applies to the Republic armed forces in exactly the same way as it applies in Earthly forces, which isn't necessarily the case. (One clue is that privates and such call your character "sir" or "ma'am" rather than "sergeant".)


And, of course, much of the training needed to do the job of sergeant would be a subset of "proper" officer training anyway.

The smuggler would not have received any such in-character training, or at least is not shown as having any.

Fair point, although the smuggler scores high on questions of negotiation and interpersonal skills.

So WHAT exactly qualifies these individuals to be the commander of the eternal alliance?

Being a hard nut, tough enough (mentally and physically) to stand up to whatever situation or enemy the character is faced with, combined with the quick thinking necessary to find good-enough solutions quickly under pressure, mostly.


(1) Sergeants *are* officers, specifically "non-commissioned officers".

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At the end of the Class Story you're a Galactic Hero/Anti-Hero. You toppled a major villain and saved the Republic/Empire. Presumably you also did the various Planet Stories, so you get major brownie points for saving the day for each planet. Winning Corellia is where you get Honored. Then you save the Galaxy from Malgus and save Makeb - the people or literally the planet. You then help uncover a conspiracy and unite the Republic and Empire under one banner to defeat the Order of Revan.


You don't need organized specialized training. You accomplished all you need in the field.

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Another point on this: Is that you have pushed the Emperor out of your head/mind and therefore you have done something that very few have been able to do. You have proven that your mind is not as easy as he thought it would be and therefore some of that qualifies you for being a commander, no matter what you are I.E. Smuggler, Jedi, etc.
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