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Hey Bioware, is the story in SWTOR ever gonna get interesting again?


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Hey Bioware, is the story in SWTOR ever gonna get interesting again? Or is it gonna be an endless, uninspired, creatively-bankrupt "Imp vs Rep + Sith villain" rehash over and over and over and over and over again untill the game dies? Edited by Pietrastor
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Hey Bioware, is the story in SWTOR ever gonna get interesting again? Or is it gonna be an endless, uninspired, creatively-bankrupt "Imp vs Rep + Sith villain" rehash over and over and over and over and over again untill the game dies?
I don't think that after the initial class stories, they will ever rise to that level of story telling again...unless they bring back class stories, but then it'll still remain to be seen.
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Hey Bioware, is the story in SWTOR ever gonna get interesting again? Or is it gonna be an endless, uninspired, creatively-bankrupt "Imp vs Rep + Sith villain" rehash over and over and over and over and over again untill the game dies?

Um, well, they tried something outside that mould (KotFE/ET), and people whined about it not being Imp vs Pub.


A Biblical phrase springs to mind...


"As ye sow, so shall ye reap."


"Be careful what you wish for, because you may get it."

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Um, well, they tried something outside that mould (KotFE/ET), and people whined about it not being Imp vs Pub.


A Biblical phrase springs to mind...


"As ye sow, so shall ye reap."


"Be careful what you wish for, because you may get it."

So they should they continue writing the story this way just to suit a small portion of the audience that only wants to consume the exact same entertainment over and over again? I dont think so. Definitely not good for the game and its story. And the whole SW brand in general. The story in SWTOR IS mindboggingly banal and predictable these days (not to mention the glacial pacing) and we're taking about a game that continues KOTOR 1/2 which are hallmarks of trying new and bold things when it comes to Star Wars storytelling. Heck, SWTOR itself achieved its biggest success (Agent storyline) when it strayed off from the same old banal familar stuff some people claim."must" be in Star Wars game/story. Hutt expansion was also far more interesting than "Sith villain #736338 wants to rule the galaxy".

Edited by Pietrastor
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So they should they continue writing the story this way just to suit a small portion of the audience that only wants to consume the exact same entertainment over and over again?

And where is your evidence that this group is small? I think that assumption came from your well of wishes.

Edited by Tsillah
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And where is your evidence that this group is small? I think that assumption came from your well of wishes.

Perhaps. But isn't the popular complaint about the Sequel Trilogy that it's way too much of a rehash and no matter how bad the Prequels were at the very least they introduced/tried new things in their stories/worldbuilding? Considering that we're taking the same fanbase I find it rather difficult to believe that the majority wants SWTOR to recycle tired SW tropes constantly

Edited by Pietrastor
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Hey Bioware, is the story in SWTOR ever gonna get interesting again? Or is it gonna be an endless, uninspired, creatively-bankrupt "Imp vs Rep + Sith villain" rehash over and over and over and over and over again untill the game dies?


Don't forget about the Mandalorian mumbo jumbo, of which only one of my characters gives a hoot about. Take a good guess what class they are.


Lana be like, "What are we going to do with them Mandalorians?"

7 out of 8 classes be like, "...I don't know...?"

Edited by ForfiniteStories
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Um, well, they tried something outside that mould (KotFE/ET), and people whined about it not being Imp vs Pub.


A Biblical phrase springs to mind...


"As ye sow, so shall ye reap."


"Be careful what you wish for, because you may get it."


i actually liked the FE/ET story line, though it got boring after running the 15th toon though it with 19 to go still.

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So they should they continue writing the story this way just to suit a small portion of the audience that only wants to consume the exact same entertainment over and over again?

And where is your evidence that this group is small? I think that assumption came from your well of wishes.

As has been proven more than once on these forums, it's not size that counts, it's noise level. Two or three ardently vociferous instigators proved the power of that with the latest set of conquest changes. Maintain a daily drumbeat on the forums, and change occurs.


With KOTFE/KOTET, the drumbeat of disapproval on the forums of Bioware's effort to veer from the strictly Imp vs. pub narrative killed it outright.


But it doesn't necessarily mean that drumbeat was a 100-piece orchestral percussion section.

Noise wins, and it never takes many to make it.

Edited by xordevoreaux
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Perhaps. But isn't the popular complaint about the Sequel Trilogy that it's way too much of a rehash and no matter how bad the Prequels were at the very least they introduced/tried new things in their stories/worldbuilding? Considering that we're taking the same fanbase I find it rather difficult to believe that the majority wants SWTOR to recycle tired SW tropes constantly
Do not make the mistakes of equating movie fans with MMO fans. And I think you'll find that people had other concerns that trumped that one. Like for example how Luke was portrayed. Besides, the main complaint against KotFE/ET was that it wasn't Star Warsy enough and people wanted to go back to Empire vs Republic.
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As has been proven more than once on these forums, it's not size that counts, it's noise level. Two or three ardently vociferous instigators proved the power of that with the latest set of conquest changes. Maintain a daily drumbeat on the forums, and change occurs.


With KOTFE/KOTET, the drumbeat of disapproval on the forums of Bioware's effort to veer from the strictly Imp vs. pub narrative killed it outright.


But it doesn't necessarily mean that drumbeat was a 100-piece orchestral percussion section.

Noise wins, and it never takes many to make it.


The noise can be loud on these forums, but there is no indication that the noise wins, however. In fact quite the opposite is true. Otherwise Galactic Command would've never happened among other things. They let it go live but they also saw how many subs it cost them. And that's when they started reacting. I've never seen BW do as much communication as when GC came out. BW use multiple sources for feedback anyway and I'm sure that they can tell a thread apart that is 30 pages long with 10 posters from one that is 10 pages but has 30 posters for example.

Edited by Tsillah
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I can only speak for myself but I personally find it fascinating you can have a concept such as a galaxy-wide "resource shortage" that's been the ongoing theme for a while now...

Couldn't find any on Tattooine, so I bought the last of the plasticware at Dollar General. The resource shortage is EVERYWHERE.

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