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Improvements to the Nightlife event...


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1) more emperor slot machines. Really. Please.


2) get rid of the free chip reward. It does nothing except waste time and annoy people waiting for the machine.


3) make the currency legacy wide. Curious it hasn't been done yet... Running every single character to Nar Shaddaa is... annoying,


4) make it so we can craft the slot machines for our stronghold. Even if they're disabled the rest of the time


5) improve the drops of the emperor chips. Last year I had a lot. This year... let's just say I got a character to 75 and finished the story (skipping every expansion except Onslaught, but still) and got 25 chips total. That's... sad.

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All good QoL improvements. Definitely agree.


2) get rid of the free chip reward. It does nothing except waste time and annoy people waiting for the machine.


When they do this, the probabilities for other outcomes should be scaled to add up to 100%.

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I totally agree with 1 and 3. Something has to be done to make this less of a grind. I understand win ing your chip back is not losing a chip, but half the time getting this as a reward makes no progress. I understand you don't want to give everything away, but I get bored too often clicking and clicking and clicking only to win a free chip
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Yes, PLEASE adjust the drop rates on either the tokens or the rewards or something my god.


Ive spent hours grinding for emperor tokens, only to get 15 total. Ive spent at least 5 hrs (Prolly closer to 6-7). 3 tokens per hour is brutal. And given the insanely bad drop rate on the prizes I am after, and given I have a life besides playing virtual slots for virtual prizes and I can only stand clicking the machines so many hours straight, I am very likely to never get these prizes. Its neat to make them a little rare, but to make the event just frustrating and depressing is kinda counter intuitive. There should be a better balance between the rarity (so you feel a good feeling when you do win the items) and the fun factor, cause it aint fun clicking endlessly and getting nothing.

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