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Thank You All


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I'm not sure if this is the correct forum for this or not but I figured I would post this anyway.


I'm a 43 year old father of 2 and I played SWTOR literally from day one as a huge Star Wars Fan.

I remember the chaos on day one due to the numbers of players logging in etc. Meh it was sorted and its a long distant memory.

I played a character on a subscription account until eventually I ran out of single player content and then cancelled my subscription, mothballing my account.


I then returned recently, years later and what I thought was brilliant back then, and is brilliant now, is the depth of the story associated with this game. Wow, I cant put it down now I'm back.


This, I guess, is a thank you post to those involved in the story and the lore, from someone who really appreciates a little bit of escapism, especially at a brutal time in our joint history. The writing of the story lines are one of the best I've experienced in a game.


Its also a thank you to the younger players who keep the experience going for us oldy gamers and Star Wars fans alike.


Thank you.

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I'm a 43 year old


us oldy gamers

You aren't old. I'm 55, and I'm not old either. There are others who post here and are well north of 60.


EDIT: Jokes about age aside, I agree that the storytelling is SWTOR's *big* strength compared to other MMORPGs.

Edited by SteveTheCynic
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I agree. This game spoiled me. I tried to get into other games, do the free version first to see if I like the game to invest. That's what I did for this game. I'd play for a couple of days, but then I don't go back. Lack of story, complicated keystrokes or mouse button clicks to do things, my character doesn't speak, my dialogue choices don't change the outcome, can't find where to go to get or do the quests. They all contribute to a less enjoyable experience.


This game is simply fun to play, and it's so cool playing Star Wars!

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If you are old, what am I? Ancient? My oldest son will turn 40 in November, I'm 64. And I saw SW in the movies as a college student when it first came out (before it was called "A new hope". And although I missed being a founder, I started playing in early 2014 so I've still seen many changes over the years.

And, like the original poster, I'm still enjoying it, working up new characters over many servers.

Also I think playing the game helps keep your mind active (that along with work), so, if it is still around, I hope to still be playing in my 70s.

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