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Annoying z-axis warping bug


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Anyone else noticed that other characters tend to "warp" alot when traversing up or down (z-axis) before their actual position is updated a second later? (i.e. using elevators, jumping of ledges/boxes, running down steep ramps)


I find this highly annoying and think that it is shameful that it exists in a MMO released 2011. (The same bug was in Everquest 10 years ago.. Never fixed which scares me alot)


Ruins alot of immersion for me as it annoys me every time I see it which is basicly all the time. I did feedback this in the beta too but to no avail. Either they have bigger things to fix or they just can't fix it.


Anyways what do the rest of you think? Have you seen it? Does it bother you?





Edited by Caanaz
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