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Diplomacy is screwing up my DARK


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I took biochem and I am regretting it more and more because one of the main things you have to do is run diplomacy missions to get medical supplies but EVERY SINGLE MISSION gives me a light side point. So to maintain my dark side I have to run 2 missions for a total of 10 minutes just so I can counter balance the fact there are NEVER any dark side missions which give medical supplies.


I have a bank full of companion gifts I could give absolutely not a damn care in the world for and I can't level my crafting skill without it being a total pain in the *** because for some reason the dark side doesn't believe in medical technology.


Fix it.

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Both Bioanalysis and Diplomacy suffer from way too many "FA Kits, Hypo-Syringes, and Implant containers" missions and "companion gifts and dark/light side (opposite of what you want) missions for med supplies". It seems to the "risk" of Bio chem for the "reward" of infinite medpacs/stimpacs.
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Complaining about lack of darkside missions from Diplo... my lightside sorc is plagued with darkside missions from Diplo. Despite that, I have no issue maintaining her lightside status, without dipping even a single point into darkside. So you may have to collect some companion gifts every other mission, big deal, just stick to the missions that show up darkside, and you'll be fine. Also, they tend to shift which one is primarily available from time to time. One minute i have 6 dark side and 1 lightside mission, the next it's 4 light 3 dark.
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you have to wait till you've maxed your ls/ds points to get that fixed. Lets say your at max 10,000 ds points and you have 1k in ls points from diplo missions. And you complete a mission that gives you 200 ds points. Since your already max ds points those 200 ds points get deducted from the lesser of the two so you'd end up with 800ls points.
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That's what I like about this game. It sometimes gives you tough choices to make.


As in your case, you want to be dark side, but you also want the light side diplomatic rewards. The challenge for you is to find a way to have both. That's part of the game. Enjoy it :p


Some ppl before me have made suggestions how you can deal with it. Either compensate for the light points with running flashpoints, wait till you have maxed out your DS/LS points, or perhaps buy the materials from the kiosk and use diplomacy to get dark side points only. It's up to you what you like best.


PS. just checked in game and I have DS diplomacy missions that reward medicine too.

Edited by hushia
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I took biochem and I am regretting it more and more because one of the main things you have to do is run diplomacy missions to get medical supplies but EVERY SINGLE MISSION gives me a light side point. So to maintain my dark side I have to run 2 missions for a total of 10 minutes just so I can counter balance the fact there are NEVER any dark side missions which give medical supplies.


What level is your Diplo? I'm only at 65 but I have never had to choose a light side mission...

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That's what I like about this game. It sometimes gives you tough choices to make.


As in your case, you want to be dark side, but you also want the light side diplomatic rewards. The challenge for you is to find a way to have both. That's part of the game. Enjoy it :p


Some ppl before me have made suggestions how you can deal with it. Either compensate for the light points with running flashpoints, wait till you have maxed out your DS/LS points, or perhaps buy the materials from the kiosk and use diplomacy to get dark side points only. It's up to you what you like best.


PS. just checked in game and I have DS diplomacy missions that reward medicine too.


I agree 100%

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I took biochem and I am regretting it more and more because one of the main things you have to do is run diplomacy missions to get medical supplies but EVERY SINGLE MISSION gives me a light side point. So to maintain my dark side I have to run 2 missions for a total of 10 minutes just so I can counter balance the fact there are NEVER any dark side missions which give medical supplies.


What level is your Diplo? I'm only at 65 but I have never had to choose a light side mission...

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I am almost capped on diplomacy and I am capped at 10000 darkside points. basically I pick whatever darkside mission I can if there are none I want... and as you get different levels remember you don't always have to choose a mission from the highest level...


so for me if grade 6 is all light I check grade 5.. pick a darkside mission let it go and it resets the list... if you were in a hurry you could pick a grade 1 mission..


I probably picked a few lightside missions but honestly by level 40 I was so far darkside that even if I choose lightside for a few options I don't see any movement...

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If you were truly Dark you wouldn't be trying to save people or yourself with medicine but rather bath in the pain and suffering. Did you ever think about that... maybe you are light at heart on the inside.


What about providing those stims.. Really dealing in performance enhancing drugs couldn't be considered dark? ;)



Spice dealer~

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I've never run a dark side diplomacy mission, just over 300 diplo, have been at max light side points since somewhere around 265 diplo.


On a couple of occasions I've been forced to go with a Companion Gifts mission as all the med supply missions were dark side. It's not that common, maybe 20% of the time, and it's not like companion gifts are useless to you. I've got more than a stack of Synthetic Blood (Grade 4 blue) and I'm starting to get a decent supply of Grade 5 blue.


I'll grant you, it's kept me poor enough that at times I have to choose between gathering and paying my class trainer for skill upgrades, and I still don't have level 1 speeder piloting at level 39 ... but that's not because of the mission selection.

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I have been trying to get no light side points on this alt at all.. and so far at lvl 25 ive succeeded. Diplo is a great way to "farm" Dark pts. I don't mind choosing missions based on dark/light alone, companion gifts can be sold or used.. nothing is a waste.


What is annoying is getting excited over unlocking my first purple Diplo mission, and it's light side. That's not a choice, it's punitive.

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