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Ability Delay -- Character Responsiveness (This will make or break SW:TOR)


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Add chain lightning from inquisitor as well- I just got this spell and really gutted- it takes a few seconds to cast then once the cast bar is gone I got to wait another 2-3 seconds for my char to do the animation before casting.


This is not good for a MMO and pvp game- maybe acceptable in a single player game but not a mmo!

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you really know what you're talking about. im serious


What is quite ironic is that I'm a software developer, I also personally know software devs and a few other specialty engineers (I went to school with) at Blizzard, and they talk **** about him all the time CONSTANTLY. The ironic part of this is, I actually do know what I'm talking about.

Edited by Froth
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Add chain lightning from inquisitor as well- I just got this spell and really gutted- it takes a few seconds to cast then once the cast bar is gone I got to wait another 2-3 seconds for my char to do the animation before casting.


This is not good for a MMO and pvp game- maybe acceptable in a single player game but not a mmo!


I am not having this issue at all.

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What is quite ironic is that I'm a software developer, I also personally know software devs and a few other specialty engineers (I went to school with) at Blizzard, and they talk **** about him all the time CONSTANTLY. The ironic part of this is, I actually do know what I'm talking about.


i knew you knew what you were talkin about

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ok so this guy just broke it down for all of us. now let me break it down for BW......(1) you took our money. (2) you new the game wasnt ready / unplayable. (3) you put it out any way saying it was awsome / hyped us all up for it.(4) dissapointed most every one who isnt totaly new to mmo's. (5) left a bad taste in all of our mothes...........the repercusions to this is that as for me and others like me are going to tell every one we know who plays real mmo's not to waist there money on this half baked game........and furthermore lost / looseing alot of ppl who allready bought the game.........i am not going to sit here and say the game is totaly crap becaust its not.......it looks realy good its just when you move or target some thing or cast spells or fight things or wait for load up screens is when you go OMG i cant beleve i have bought this / paying 15$ a month for this game and for what? a realy good looking dissapointment thats what........i dont want to beat up on BW i just want to kikk them in the *** and have them fix this ASAP...... and go on playing but if this isue isnt fixed by the end of my first 30 days i am sure not going to be paying for another month as i am all so sure that i wont be alone to say good buy to stowr and thats a fact! Ps. BW you need a good scape goat / some one or some ppl to fire to save face for this huge blunder that has and will most likely cost you many many custemers over this..........man.......not a good way to start this game you just shot your self right in the knee with an arowe right out the gate.......dam i hope you didnt just out right kill the game befor it had a chance to even begin.......dam allready dead after the first month........
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BioWare, we still haven't gotten an answer to some pretty simple questions:


  • My instant abilities are being interrupted by stuns and knock-backs. How can that be classified as instant?
  • My characters are starting and re-starting the animation of abilities without them actually executing, this is a game-breaking issue. Are you aware of this and will something be done about it?


11k posts and still those two basic question about a fundamental aspect of the game (combat) have not been addressed. I do not feel that is acceptable.

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Xcore, you're simply amazing for putting this thread together explaining this to people. I thought I was insane for a few days. I kept trying to explain this to my friends and I would also compare it to Rift. WoW, like you said, has the perfect character responsiveness. How any MMO is produced with a sub-standard character responsiveness is beyond me.


This must be fixed. I've been looking forward to this game for at least a year...

This same issue is what killed Rift for me.

I sat and thought about it and perhaps they did it to make the fighting more "realistic" with completing animations and such... but dang Bioware... just no.

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What I'm trying to say is they need a proper GhostCrawler, no matter how much you may hate the man, he knows what makes a good MMO.


I agree fully with all you're saying but I would just expect more "knowledge"? Connection? Understanding? by someone that matters who "can" in fact affect these overarching and very important designs.


It feels like the lead designer is not very well versed with competitive or "more hardcore" gaming.



Unless all these people are wrong in claiming this was part of the problem in Beta (I don't know, I didn't get in) and this is just a technical hiccup. I firmly believe that this shouldn't/couldn't have gotten released with the current combat and responsiveness flaws if someone higher up knew what they were doing/looking at.


I'm not trying to rant against Bioware but obviously there is a pretty major issue that simply:


1) Was forgotten?

2) Overlooked?

3) Or maybe they were never "really" aware (which is the most scary answer)



So here again is hopes that this will be fixed and improved and communicated (soon). I should point out that you can read my early review (link in the OP). I actually enjoy the game very much otherwise and like a lot of things but how can you consider "ANYTHING" > Gameplay??


ack! i've agreed with you most of the way, but greg street (aka ghostcrawler) is the sole reason i'm no longer in wow. he it was who introduced cookie-cutter gameplay. this was a "marvelous" and "revolutionary" idea whose sole goal was to get the bucks pouring in by making the game so simple, any idiot could play it. when you consider what tripe they're releasing now (all under gc's aegis), and you look at the path of six whole talents to determine your toon ... feh. i'm one who found delight in making my beastmaster hunter rock in raids back when beastmaster was supposed to suck.


no, i do agree -- it would be beneficial for bioware to put someone up who 1) is ABLE to communicate (another failing of gc) to both the geek/gamers and the casual players and 2) able to successfully direct a team of artists AND coders to make the product the best it can be. that person would hopefully have much time spent raiding not because we want a key-smasher directing things, but because we want someone who understands combat fluidity. that person would also see the beautiful design bioware intended, and keep that element, if not the current method.


that person also would have to love gaming and the industry enough to walk knowingly into a madhouse, go toe-to-toe with penny-pushers and numbers-crunchers, and stand firm in their direction.


that sounds almost a taller order than fixing the problem itself, lol.

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Great thread! This issue has been bothering me since my first warfront in beta. I'm an Aion player, no WoW experience, and gameplay was pretty darn fluid. Sure it had its own issues (this target is too far away ftl), but chaining skills together quickly and fluidly was easily accomplished on my assassin. And the animations were gorgeous. In this game, the animations are a bit lackluster (imo), and I can't even appreciate them because I am too busy raging that my instant skills aren't instant. The endgame seems to revolve around pvp, so as the server population ages this problem will come to the forefront as a major issue. Bringing this up early gives Bioware time to address it before a large percentage of their subscribers start pvping more actively, this thread is a service. Edited by Hailbel
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Guys - do you realize how many things are "being worked on" and "we're aware of that". How long has the UI been a known issue and something "being worked on". For the last 4-6 months including beta???


Just in general, there are so many things that get acknowledged but take FOREVER to get fixed - good luck seeing this fixed for the next few months.

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Supporting until resolved.


PS: vocal minority who has no idea how to play a game is not insane, not it plays this game differently than how we should. Eat it fanboys.


Quoted for truth. Bumping it up, this is a game-breaking issue. "Instant" and "off the global cooldown" abilities take 1-1½ seconds.

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yes they do, you just dont play fast enough to notice


Im uploading a video where you can see i : instant>offglobal>channeled all in 1.5 sec.



Shock > recklesness > force lightning ( Its in response to someone who said if you do that you have a 100% bug rate, it didnt bugged once for me.)

Edited by boobaffet
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I've been thinking of my problem might be CPU related. I think i've run into a few people in the actual game that has the same problem. People never tell me their system specs so it's just speculations. It doesn't seem to be about fps, which i still consider nonetheless. Just odd since it doesn't happen in other games, but it could be due to their coding/scripts or whatever they have running.
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So no one care that some people dont have this issue with video backing up what they say?


There is definitely a problem since so many people are experiencing one, but what im saying is its not a problem with the core of the game since some people doesnt have that problem.

I had problem similar to what some people are experiencing then i turned down everything to low and it works great.


Its also not a problem of animation that have priority over ability.(video inc)

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Im uploading a video where you can see i : instant>offglobal>channeled all in 1.5 sec.



Shock > recklesness > force lightning ( Its in response to someone who said if you do that you have a 100% bug rate, it didnt bugged once for me.)


That is not the same thing as what this entire thread is about........at all....


Pick an ability with a cast time AND an animation, right after the cast bar fills up try casting an instant spell. Result: it will not go off until AFTER the animation from the first spell. Watch videos from the OP and try to reconstruct, anything else will not reconcile anything.


The problems this thread concerns is abilities with cast times + animations, those animations inhibit other spells from firing.

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So no one care that some people dont have this issue with video backing up what they say?


There is definitely a problem since so many people are experiencing one, but what im saying is its not a problem with the core of the game since some people doesnt have that problem.

I had problem similar to what some people are experiencing then i turned down everything to low and it works great.


Its also not a problem of animation that have priority over ability.(video inc)


Use same spells as OP and prove it.

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That is not the same thing as what this entire thread is about........at all....


Pick an ability with a cast time AND an animation, right after the cast bar fills up try casting an instant spell. Result: it will not go off until AFTER the animation from the first spell. Watch videos from the OP and try to reconstruct, anything else will not reconcile anything.


The problems this thread concerns is abilities with cast times + animations, those animations inhibit other spells from firing.


I have already a video convering that issue, but keep the example coming so i can have idea for my other video.


ps : I understand that this is not linked directly to the OP concern, its just something that a lot of people claim.

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