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I just love it, it's everything i've wanted an mmo to be for a long time, a real quality AAA title in an mmorpg format, it's a first for me. So good infact i had to cancel my CE edition to get another PC and copy of the game this christmas, so my wife could play with me.


It's perfect.:csw_falcon:

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This game has stopped me from playing Skyrim its so addictive - I can't give higher praise than that


Things I love - the story, being able to be a ****** evil dude, the fact that the content is challenging while you level, companions, the crafting system, having a ship, the sci fi setting..I could go on


Of course there is stuff that needs some polishing, like any MMO, but in general its awesome

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The game is, technically, only 5 days old and I'm enjoying it. It's going to be really interesting to see what BW comes up with additional content and how they deal with the bugs and issues.


So, not a single complaint from me regarding the game. I've been able to relax, take my time and do what I want in my own time frame. There is no rush or race to the finish and even when I hit 50 (only 33atm) I have 7 more classes to play which have a different story line to experience.

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Ok Errathe, you got me here. ;)


Sadly, by the time i made a list, other guys mentioned the majority of it.

I would just add that this game has all the amazing features of other great Bioware games like companions and moral choices (plus a great storyline), within a MMO.


What i love the most is that i can play with my friends or my girlfriend and having fun at our own choices. It's all like my gf saying "you meanie" when i'm harsh, and me saying "how classy" when her smuggler back talks. :)


It's an MMO at its best, because you can enjoy it fully when playin with someone.

In the face of "It's just a single player sold for an MMO" haters.


Hope it was exaustive, but keep in mind it's all about personal tastes! :)


Have fun stormin da base!


Agree with you there, mate. TOR definitely has the touch of Bioware all over it. Like putting the character back into your character.

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This game has both Swords (lightsabers), and Sorcery (the Force)


It even has a Class called a Sorcerer...


And yet, I play none of those classes.

Merc, Trooper, Smuggler, and IA are the only classes I have ATM.



I will say it this way.

It's nice not to be FORCED to play with Swords or Sorcery!

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there's still plenty that can be improved / fixed... (i'm looking at you search feature in the GTN)... but overall, i'm having a blast. the gameplay, the story, the look of the gear... it's all really fun.


maybe the biggest and best (albeit unexpected) part of it for me has been the server community. I may have simply lucked out on the server I chose, but aside from a couple of ******s, the grouping has been really smooth and easy. The kind of crowd that were notorious on WoW just hasn't been such a problem here. I'm one of three friends that play so creating a guild just isn't an option. I'm reliant on grouping with others.


There's still a few dingleberries out there that make me ashamed of humanity, but for the most part it's been a very friendly and co-operative bunch of people.


I cannot, in any words, describe what a difference it makes towards an enjoyable game when you're surrounded by people having fun and focusing on the postive as opposed to those who will always find a problem.

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there's still plenty that can be improved / fixed... (i'm looking at you search feature in the GTN)... but overall, i'm having a blast. the gameplay, the story, the look of the gear... it's all really fun.


maybe the biggest and best (albeit unexpected) part of it for me has been the server community. I may have simply lucked out on the server I chose, but aside from a couple of ******s, the grouping has been really smooth and easy. The kind of crowd that were notorious on WoW just hasn't been such a problem here. I'm one of three friends that play so creating a guild just isn't an option. I'm reliant on grouping with others.


There's still a few dingleberries out there that make me ashamed of humanity, but for the most part it's been a very friendly and co-operative bunch of people.


I cannot, in any words, describe what a difference it makes towards an enjoyable game when you're surrounded by people having fun and focusing on the postive as opposed to those who will always find a problem.


I agree on the community thing.

Another lucky guy here.


Maybe it's the choice of being on a RP server that matters.

I played many MMOs and i have to say that usually there's more mature people on RP realms, prob because idiots think that roleplayers are just a bunch of weirdos that will report your name and behaviour at the first chance.


Coincidentally it's exactly what i usually do, but that's just me, don't worry. :)

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Well I did love this game until I logged on today.


Now my abilities rarely work when I actually find a mob that will die. I'm currently stuck trying to sneak through my class quest at level 42 because half of the mobs are invincible and I can't come close to killing the other half that is a lower level than me. I had no problems slaughtering everything in sight yesterday.


So they either completely screwed the game with their stealth patch yesterday, I was unfortunate enough to encounter a series of problems clogged into one area, or they just totally nerfed the Marauder beyond belief making it a useless class.


Also turn the god damn high settings on - if it brings about a huge performance hit, well that's our choice isn't it? That is seriously retarded to not make this one of your absolute highest priorities while offering us updates on the progress.

Edited by Smokey_the_Bear
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I am very much enjoying the game, I never use to pay attention to mmo stories but now I do :p. I played a bounty hunter past the prologue story and then decided i'd rather make a sith sorc in the madness tree. It was painless as ever because the beginning world's stories are so well done. The combat also can be very fun, the only thing that may make me quit in the future is the ability delay, I cannot stand it, especially in pvp.
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I know I am enjoying this game cause three things have happened:


1) My altaholicism has kicked in and I can't wait to try other classes.

2) My altaholicsim has informed me, that I am addicted to the new drug.

3) My altaholicsim has started the 5 step program:


1 - Admitting your addicted

2 - Starting at "focus" group (with my characters to determine whose going to be leveled first)

3 - Feed my addiction.

4 - Repeat.

5 - Try to remain social.

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