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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

No 50% Collection Unlock Discount on These Items


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Hopefully it'll get fixed in time for this Collection Unlock sale.


We can certainly hope but I would recommend against any expectation that it will get the 50% discount in the next week. BioWare Austin has many bigger rancors to slay than this one.

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Update on Title: Archon: fixed! It now unlocks at the sale price of 120 CCs. Thank you! :)

Just one for me, so far. But hopefully we can keep any others in one thread.


Title: Archon. Tried to unlock in Collections a few minutes ago.


This CM Title is a silver unlock, but the 50% off Collection Unlock discount is not working on it.



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Portable Relaxation Unit (toys) also excluded from the sale for the millionth time, I've been waiting forever for this to be fixed each time there's a sale.

Model Experimental Sandcrawler (ship model pets) is also incorrectly listed - it's a bronze toy which mistakenly unlocks for 400CC. In the sale it's 200CC but should be 60CC normally and 30CC in the sale. This was acknowledged as needing a fix and being fixed in this thread back in 2017, but has misteriously reverted back to it's incorrect price.

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