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Knight Companion: "Doc" -- limitations?


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I am asking in New Player Help because I play occasionally but have a sort of perma-noob syndrome from time away.


My Knight got this companion "Doc". I'd never seen a temporary companion except I think years ago when they could hate you. I see he's "romanceable" for females... but is he temporary (esp. if I don't do the romance)?


The main mystery is -- I notice I cannot change his outfit like I can other humanoid comps.

It was weird because his Medium Armor is normal head, chest, etc. in the typical spots.

But you attempt to remove or change an article and "You Cannot Alter This Companion's Armor".

Yet I can turn Mira into a half-naked cyborg.


I wonder why this is and if it is associated with any other limitations?

He likes luxury gifts so I buttered him up to lvl 10 influence hoping to crew skill and mission with him for more than just the next mission I know he's for.


Thanks for any insight. Can't find anything about this.

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He's not *temporary*(1), but while you're still playing through Balmorra, he counts as a "guest" companion, and the game's systems (above all gear changing) don't distinguish between these two states.


Some class companions join you and are immediately "full" companions. Example: Kaliyo. Others join you during a planet and don't count as a full companion until the end of the planet (more often when you return to your ship, but whatever). Example Talos Drellik.


The transition from "guest" to "full" is marked by two possible *visible* things. There's always a system message in chat to tell you that "Newcompanion has joined you as a companion", and if it's a "first" companion (Mako, T7, Kaliyo, Khem Val, Qyzen Fess, Corso Riggs, Vette or Aric Jorgan), you also get a mission reward with a choice of customization objects.


Full companions can do all companiony things: help with crew skills, pick up resource nodes, fight, change their clothes, etc., while temporary and guest companions are somewhat restricted. Above all, they are unable to help with crew skills (outside of picking up resource nodes) and change their clothes.


For temporary companions (they are a thing later in the story, after the beginning of Knights of the Fallen Empire), it's actually half-reasonable(2) because it avoids certain problems about rare-unusual gear. A temporary companion is one that joins you for a while and then goes away permanently. The examples I could give are all ferociously spoilerish, unfortunately.


(1) When you begin Knights of the Fallen Empire, he will, like all class companions, bunk off for a while, but he comes back in the aftermath of the Jedi Under Siege story (sometimes called "Ossus" because that's where it happens).


(2) "half" reasonable, because there are other (probably better) ways to solve those problems.

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Thanks. Back when I was playing a male sith years and years ago I could swear I was romancing some non-sith female and somehow lost her. I can't remember the details. I have a Jedi male Consullar but... now that I'm really really enjoying playing a Knight more than anything else, I'm not wanting to romance because, well, I'm actually a hetero male person in RL but I took over the Knight I created for my wife who gave up soon. I've already re-lived so much mission content I really don't want to start over and, well, I kind of like watching her run around and a couple outfits I got her O.O


I like Doc, he reminds me of a cross of Po and Bruce Campbell. Hopefully I can keep him i.e. not lose him if I don't romance him.


Thanks. I've learned more about the comp situations, this gave me a godd point of departure.

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I like Doc, he reminds me of a cross of Po and Bruce Campbell. Hopefully I can keep him i.e. not lose him if I don't romance him.

Romancing him (or any comp) has nothing to do with losing him. You do 'temporarily' lose Doc and others, during KOTFE, but they eventually return.

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