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More Companion Romance/Interactions please?


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Could we please please please have more Romanced Companion content? Even if it's just little things? An ability to give them a hug, repeatable romance cutscenes, conversations with romanced companions? Please? For vanilla and expanded content romances?
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Previously on these forums I've advocated for a button we can push (at any time, incessantly...) that forces the current companion to kiss you and for the scene to fade to black.


I've also advocated for a cartel market token we can buy that instantly turns the currently targeted NPC, regardless of who that NPC is or how that NPC relates or doesn't relate to our story, into a full, permanent companion.


Ah, the possibilities.

Starting with Private Farn all the way to and including Valkorian (not my taste, but I hear some say he's hot).

Another hottie is that male Miralian on Coruscant on the Jedi consular story, the one stuck in the medbay.

Edited by xordevoreaux
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Could we please please please have more Romanced Companion content? Even if it's just little things? An ability to give them a hug, repeatable romance cutscenes, conversations with romanced companions? Please? For vanilla and expanded content romances?


It'd be amazing if they did. I romanced Vette with my Marauder and loved it, Vette is an awesome companion and she has some adorable moments (when she sends you those mails at the end of Chapter 3...) but since Ilum, nothing really interesting has happened ! We had our reunion during KOTFE and that's it. Honestly I don't care for more big expansions and fancy stories Bioware ! Just go back and add stuff like we had in the vanilla game: companion quests, romance and all. That's what we want to see.

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