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The World Razer


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Regarding the World Razer in the story arc on Belsavis, there's almost nothing explained. Was it some sort of force deity/entity similar to Sel-Makor on Voss and was it somehow commanding the Esh-Kha in their conquests and even traveling with them? It seemed to have had a group of ancient followers as far away as Ilum, which is where it directs you if you help it.
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Regarding the World Razer in the story arc on Belsavis, there's almost nothing explained. Was it some sort of force deity/entity similar to Sel-Makor on Voss and was it somehow commanding the Esh-Kha in their conquests and even traveling with them? It seemed to have had a group of ancient followers as far away as Ilum, which is where it directs you if you help it.


There is nothing in the lore anywhere to indicate exactly what the World Razer is/was, so I will borrow the Wookieepedia text as a basic answer...

Almost nothing was known of this ancient being whom no one had seen or spoken to in a thousand years. According to cryptic warnings of the Rakata, the World Razer was Belsavis's oldest prisoner and its prison was created to hold it. This was because this terrible force had a hunger that consumed a thousand worlds. In the Tomb, Rakatan inscriptions spoke of the fury of the World Razer was only subdued by the combined might of the Infinite Empire, which subsequently imprisoned it within a planet which became the Belsavis facility. The rage of this being was so great that if it were ever released, its power was capable of shattering the galaxy.[1]


Not dark-side, as Valkorian seems to know nothing about it although as he says nothing about Sel-Makor as well, who knows. But it is definitely not light side either, and as the Rakata were able to imprison it I would assume it cannot make use of the Force.

So probably not a force deity and not directly controlling or commanding the Esh-Kha afaik. But in a place as large and as old as a Galaxy, there are near-infinite possibilities, time and space for big, bad, angry things to develop, come forth and be restrained.

Maybe one of the primal "old ones" that predated the Force-sensitives appearing in the Galaxy.

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