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Guild ban


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Set up your bank privileges per bank vault / per rank in such a way that new people, like recruits, cannot withdraw at all.


Permissions are set - however I don't want to punish everyone for what 1 miscreant does. Should be able to ban when off-line as well. Seems silly.

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Permissions are set - however I don't want to punish everyone for what 1 miscreant does. Should be able to ban when off-line as well. Seems silly.


Only 1 rank needs to be barred from withdrawals, and the most common-sense one is recruit. I have 9 ranks, and they're progressive in terms of bank access.


I also have multiple vaults, so the first rank above recruit is Member, and there is a vault just for them. I also have crafting, operations, and officer vaults.

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Only 1 rank needs to be barred from withdrawals, and the most common-sense one is recruit. I have 9 ranks, and they're progressive in terms of bank access.


I also have multiple vaults, so the first rank above recruit is Member, and there is a vault just for them. I also have crafting, operations, and officer vaults.


We have all the bank tabs unlocked as well and they are secured to the point we want them. This is NOT the issue.


My comment is about not being able to ban known thieves just because they stole something then /gquit and logged.


This can be regardless of rank.

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We have all the bank tabs unlocked as well and they are secured to the point we want them. This is NOT the issue.


My comment is about not being able to ban known thieves just because they stole something then /gquit and logged.


This can be regardless of rank.


Wait till they're on to ban them. And report them. I had another guild leader once scoff at me for reporting one of her members who joined my guild and then ripped me off before retreating back to hers. Complete consternation on her part when her guildie vanished the next day. She learned a valuable lesson. Reporting works.

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Wait till they're on to ban them. And report them. I had another guild leader once scoff at me for reporting one of her members who joined my guild and then ripped me off before retreating back to hers. Complete consternation on her part when her guildie vanished the next day. She learned a valuable lesson. Reporting works.


I dont know how busy you are with your guild or if you have time to wait around in hopes that you are on when they log-in. I do not.


Devs, please fix so people can be banned while offline. That is all, its not complicated.

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Wait till they're on to ban them. And report them. I had another guild leader once scoff at me for reporting one of her members who joined my guild and then ripped me off before retreating back to hers. Complete consternation on her part when her guildie vanished the next day. She learned a valuable lesson. Reporting works.

Guild thieves are terrible but, really, why are you reporting them? They joined your guild and took items from the guild bank that you allowed them to take based on their rank. Technically, I don't think they did anything against the TOS.

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Guild thieves are terrible but, really, why are you reporting them? They joined your guild and took items from the guild bank that you allowed them to take based on their rank. Technically, I don't think they did anything against the TOS.


It was the brother of an officer who had access to his account, and I figured it couldn't hurt to try, and it worked.

It was also hard to believe the stories coming out of either one of them, so they're banned as well.

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The part that annoys me the most about it is they can simply log onto a different toon and do it all over again. Log off and you are helpless to do anything about it. So saving someone's name and waiting for them to log in (whenever that may be) is not a solution.
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I just realized probably the reason why offline banning isn't enabled is the size of the resulting massive hit to the database.


Think about all the characters ever created in the history of SWTOR. Just imagine how many toons, probably even the "deleted" toons, that means are in the database.


Millions, perhaps?


Banning offline would require the database to search through all of those entries until getting a match with what you specified. Huge performance hit to the database.


Meanwhile, the subset of that character base currently online is much smaller, and therefore feasible to manage for things like bans.

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I just realized probably the reason why offline banning isn't enabled is the size of the resulting massive hit to the database.


Think about all the characters ever created in the history of SWTOR. Just imagine how many toons, probably even the "deleted" toons, that means are in the database.


Millions, perhaps?


Banning offline would require the database to search through all of those entries until getting a match with what you specified. Huge performance hit to the database.


Meanwhile, the subset of that character base currently online is much smaller, and therefore feasible to manage for things like bans.


Nice guesswork with no evidence. Unless you know how the database works and how the names are stored in the database tables, your grasping at straws.


It should be so banning offline is possible. But no, they want to make it so your Rakghoul relics don't work as they once did. Priorities and all. :rolleyes:

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Nice guesswork with no evidence. Unless you know how the database works and how the names are stored in the database tables, your grasping at straws.


It should be so banning offline is possible. But no, they want to make it so your Rakghoul relics don't work as they once did. Priorities and all. :rolleyes:


I know how databases work in general. I've built enough of them in the last 27 years. Even if the tables are partitioned, appropriately indexed, and isolated onto their own drives, searching tens of millions of records, maybe more, can take time, probably too much time in relation to all the other queries hitting the database any given second.

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I know how databases work in general. I've built enough of them in the last 27 years. Even if the tables are partitioned, appropriately indexed, and isolated onto their own drives, searching tens of millions of records, maybe more, can take time, probably too much time in relation to all the other queries hitting the database any given second.


I get that you have personal experience in databases. That is nice - I do too. It is because of that experience that I made the previous post as I did.


You simply prioritize what table(s) to search in a query. It is not difficult. active/inactive or who is banning and from what guild as the database would also have a log of that. That would have been how they found the evidence of your guild's thief. They had to query the user then search for what items they took, when, their toon names and all that jazz.


The database for this game is very robust, it has to be. As far as too many queries go. How many times are you banning people? I may ban 1 person a month - and Trauma is a large guild.


If a Dev comes in here and says it is a database issue - then I will believe and know that is what it is. There is no certainty/evidence that database query capabilities are the issue(s).

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I get that you have personal experience in databases. That is nice - I do too. It is because of that experience that I made the previous post as I did.


You simply prioritize what table(s) to search in a query. It is not difficult. active/inactive or who is banning and from what guild as the database would also have a log of that. That would have been how they found the evidence of your guild's thief. They had to query the user then search for what items they took, when, their toon names and all that jazz.


The database for this game is very robust, it has to be. As far as too many queries go. How many times are you banning people? I may ban 1 person a month - and Trauma is a large guild.


If a Dev comes in here and says it is a database issue - then I will believe and know that is what it is. There is no certainty/evidence that database query capabilities are the issue(s).


The evidence they found were the copious screen shots of legacy names, bank withdrawals, cross-referenced with additional screen shots of those characters quitting the guild.


Nor am I saying that the database is so inefficiently architected, unwieldy, and the tools used to access information so inadequate as to make searches impossible. Searching the database is, for example, the only way they retrieved a deleted set of armor for me.


I'm talking about protecting the database against excessive hits.

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The evidence they found were the copious screen shots of legacy names, bank withdrawals, cross-referenced with additional screen shots of those characters quitting the guild.


Nor am I saying that the database is so inefficiently architected, unwieldy, and the tools used to access information so inadequate as to make searches impossible. Searching the database is, for example, the only way they retrieved a deleted set of armor for me.



I'm talking about protecting the database against excessive hits.


Are you against being able to ban people off-line? I mean what point are you serving other than arguing and making excuses as to why this is not done, a thing or a simple valid request? Are you a DEV for SWTOR?


I am requesting that GMs be able to ban people off-line for reasons I have already listed and pointed out the reasons why the current solutions are faulty.


A) They never log back in on that toon and instead hit you on an alt. - saving the toon's name to friends does not matter. as you have to be on anyways when they log on that toon. Furthermore, if you can save offline toons to a friends list that just proves my point all the more about getting names of offline toons from a query.


B) It does not matter the rank or guild bank permissions. - As you said yourself, an officer stole something from you.


I am trying to protect not just my guild but yours too. That is what the request is for.


That is all.

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