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Consular Follow-ups for Characters


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Okay so I'm confused about characters in the Consular Story who you can choose to save. You seem to hear nothing more from Nalen Raloch after you stop him, Master Yuon Par after you save her, or Lord Vivicar after you free him. They don't show up again in the class story and it seems somewhat incomplete in that regard. Syo Bakarn is another major disappointment because you don't get any further development on him if you choose to save him. His ultimate fate is never shown except that he was kicked off the Jedi Council and supposedly he died at some point before Echoes of Oblivion.


Am I missing something with these characters?

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There are some mail messages that you receive from some (all?) of the people you mention, but no, after that there's nothing. (Sort of makes sense for Vivicar and Syo Bakarn because both of them become recluses, and therefore, um, sorry, reclusive and not prone to wandering freely around the galaxy.)
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That's a pity. I expected there to be follow-ups since this was done a lot in the Jedi Knight story (I.e. meeting people later who you met or dealt with earlier in the game). Would've especially been cool to see a redemptive arc with Master Rajivari's spirit at the end where he could aid in fighting the Children of the Emperor or with Nalen Raloch where he comes to fight by your side in Corellia as a Jedi if you chose that route.
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There are a number of missed opportunities in the Consular story, unfortunately for those four that you mentioned they all have a fairly conclusive end to their participation in the Consular story, which makes their return all but guaranteed never to happen. The same goes for each of the Jedi that the Consular is sent to help during Chapter 1. And, unfortunately, Gaden-Ko has a fairly conclusive end to their participation a little later on, so again, no chance of a reunion.


One character from the Consular story that I very much would like to see return is Attros Finn. Wishful thinking here, but I would love it if Attros returned, joined the Consular as a companion, and was an optional love interest.


It would be a neat throwback if whomever the Consular chose to lead the Rift Alliance, Alauni, Shuuru, or Diab Duin, showed up on Odessen to serve as a liaison between our character and the Republic. They could then just stand around in Odessen base adding to the ambiance.


Hallow Voice and the Esh-kha. It would be really cool to catch up with Hallow Voice, maybe get a few Esh-kha mystics to join us on Odessen, maybe an Esh-kha companion.


I am not certain that it is more prevalent with the Consular story, but it certainly does seem that a number of players in the Consular story have rather conclusive ends to their participation in the story making it hard to have anyone come back.

Edited by ceryxp
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There are a number of missed opportunities in the Consular story, unfortunately for those four that you mentioned they all have a fairly conclusive end to their participation in the Consular story, which makes their return all but guaranteed never to happen. The same goes for each of the Jedi that the Consular is sent to help during Chapter 1. And, unfortunately, Gaden-Ko has a fairly conclusive end to their participation a little later on, so again, no chance of a reunion.


One character from the Consular story that I very much would like to see return is Attros Finn. Wishful thinking here, but I would love it if Attros returned, joined the Consular as a companion, and was an optional love interest.


It would be a neat throwback if whomever the Consular chose to lead the Rift Alliance, Alauni, Shuuru, or Diab Duin, showed up on Odessen to serve as a liaison between our character and the Republic. They could then just stand around in Odessen base adding to the ambiance.


Hallow Voice and the Esh-kha. It would be really cool to catch up with Hallow Voice, maybe get a few Esh-kha mystics to join us on Odessen, maybe an Esh-kha companion.


I am not certain that it is more prevalent with the Consular story, but it certainly does seem that a number of players in the Consular story have rather conclusive ends to their participation in the story making it hard to have anyone come back.


This is why i will admit that the Jedi Knight story is probably the most interesting to play in terms of game mechanics because it feels the most complete. Everything is somehow tied to your conflict with the Emperor which is the overall concern in the game story but not with every class story. This also seems to be the case in the expansions because almost every companion from the Knight story is somehow obtainable at some point and is essential to it even later on. i get the impression the game in the long run is most suited to that class story than others and that it is the "main" storyline while others are contributors. I wish they would make the other classes more interesting/complete in their stories in that regard

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